LIVE | OAS meets to discuss draft resolution on Nicaragua


At the request of the missions of Argentina, Canada, Chile, the United States and Peru, the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) evaluates this Friday in extraordinary session the evolution of the crisis in Nicaragua

This is the second session where the situation in the country is discussed. Last Wednesday, delegations heard the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) on the work of Messeni in Nicaragua

We are talking to you minute by minute about the crisis of the OAS in Nicaragua

. 22 hours The Chair of the Permanent Council of the OAS says that although this is not on the agenda, the ambbadador has the right to express it.

The ambbadador of Argentina takes the floor again and says that she wants to tell them what she says. resolution to discuss soon. "Support the resumption of the national dialogue," he adds.

Venezuela interrupts again.

3:21 pm The ambbadador of Colombia defends the right of Argentina to express its point of view

15:18. The ambbadador of Argentina begins by saying "support the resumption of national dialogue" … Venezuela interrupts again and says that it is not possible to discuss d & # 39; 39, a subject that is not on the agenda. Nicaragua takes the floor and says that, in order not to make the OAS a mess, she maintains that it should be inscribed on the agenda. "That the procedures are respected," says the Ortega government.

15:17 Venezuela interrupts Argentina and says it was not presented

3:13 pm. The ambbadador of Argentina refutes Venezuela who finds no reason to call a new extraordinary session. "What I think happened at that time, is that there are more deaths, more people detained in Nicaragua.We pbaded, since the IACHR gave its first reports, of 76 dead over 350. We are not here because we want to, there are very important reasons, "he said

. will be addressed next week under the title "The situation in Nicaragua".

"The Permanent Council of the OAS, noting with concern the situation confirmed by the IACHR, in its report, decides: to support the national dialogue" … [19659002] 3:12 pm The Honduras is concerned about what is happening in Nicaragua. The ambbadador expresses his condolences to the relatives of the deceased. Like the other members of Central America, they also adhere to the SICA declaration. Urges us to work in a sincere dialogue and that violence cease

15:09 pm Costa Rica says that they were "anointed" with the situation in Nicaragua. He calls for the conditions of dialogue to be restored, rebuilt from commitment and in good faith. "We urge the parties to stop the acts of violence against this tragedy that consumes the government.It is urgent to comply with the recommendations of the IACHR, especially the cessation of the repression and the full enjoyment of the protest," he said.

15h08 The Dominican Republic regrets the situation in Nicaragua, condemns the violence from wherever it comes, and repeats that only the national dialogue will allow

15h05 The Ambbadador of Paraguay condemns the acts of violence that have taken place in recent weeks and criticizes the aggression against the bishops as well as the harbadment against the civilian population. "The investigation of these acts is an irrevocable activity of the state. We are aware that this situation can not be solved without a sincere dialogue of Nicaraguans ", he adds, and he calls on the government to guarantee respect for fundamental rights without excuses.

15:01 pm The delegation of Brazil reviewed the manner in which the subject of Nicaragua to the OAS was dealt with. It indicates the violence of the paramilitary groups and they stand in solidarity with all the victims. He supports the support of the IACHR and is concerned about land invasions and paramilitary aggression against journalists, bishops and the Apostolic Nuncio. "We consider the reforms important for the electoral process in Nicaragua," he said.

14h56 The Colombian ambbadador says that the meeting is "indispensable". "The OAS can not look to the side, it can not be indifferent, to continue in this position is essential."

The official advocate of justice, because there is no d & # 39; impunity. "There are different reflections, how to contain the excessive use of force, how to ensure that the state is the only repository of the use of force," he adds. referring to vigilante groups operating in the country. His position defends peaceful protest and the opposition is not stigmatized. They also decide on a negotiated solution.

14:51 The Mexican ambbadador said that she had taken note of the report of the IACHR and regretted the events that had taken place in the country. "This conflict has already taken too many victims, it is urgent to stop the spiral of violence.We are concerned about the rejection of the report of the commission."

The representative regrets the attacks on journalists, bishops and human rights defenders. "The vulnerable situation of children and adolescents is particularly worrying," he said, again supporting the work of the IACHR. The diplomat says that the OAS can not remain silent and supports continued support for the work of the General Secretariat on the institutional issue

2:49 pm. Bolivia stands with Nicaragua, which, according to him, is the victim of acts of terror, as the Ortega government, its ally, has said. "The convening of a session without the consent of Nicaragua does not contribute to the pacification of the country.Lack of good faith and trust and does not contribute to the most important objectives: stop the violence," he says

14:45. The Guatemalan ambbadador said he shared the concerns about the situation in Nicaragua and the condolences to the families of those who have died since April. "The realization of this session is another manifestation that we will not be indifferent ", affirms and reads a new statement from the Central American Integration System (SICA) and calls on" the parties "to resume the dialogue."

"Exhort the state to protect the validity of the rights "

2:41 pm The Belize Ambbadador calls for the cessation of violence in Nicaragua and shows its confidence in the mechanism of dialogue It is my be concerned about the impact on international transport of traffic jams, which have been placed by the population as a form of protest against the government of Daniel Ortega.

2:38 pm The Ambbadador of Chile says that he supports the IACHR and, before the video presented by the government, he says that it shows that they have to act as an organism. "The promotion and defense of human rights do not recognize borders, as the Inter-American Democratic Charter recognizes."

14:34 The Ambbadador Venezuela describes the report of the IACHR as biased. "What could have changed in 48 hours?" He said, referring to the fact that last Wednesday there was a session at the OAS on the country. Ambbadador Carlos Trujillo is questioned for his position before the Congress. Accuse the United States for financing violence in Nicaragua.

14h29 The Canadian ambbadador is concerned about violence and insecurity in Nicaragua. "Violence and violations of human rights must stop immediately.The government is responsible for all human rights in force."

The official advocates a return to stability and shows the way of dialogue if necessary. Canada supports the report of the IACHR and the implementation of the recommendations of last May. "The response of the international community must be united and firm and a commitment to the defense of human rights," he says

2:27 pm. The Peruvian ambbadador regrets the situation in Nicaragua, the death of more than 300 people since last April, as well as the repression, the use of para-police groups and says that none of these practices is compatible with a democratic system. It is a "dramatic situation that deserves the attention of the OAS".

2:22 pm US Ambbadador Carlos Trujillo states that "violence and intimidation against the Nicaraguan people is unacceptable". The diplomat denounces the detention of Medardo Mairena and Pedro Mena, the peasant anticancer movement.

Trujillo announces a draft resolution and stresses that Nicaragua has no problem of terrorism. "We are all determined to work, we agree with the condemnation of the continuation of violence and intimidation, those who violate human rights must be held responsible", he explains

2:18 pm. The Argentine ambbadador to the OAS says that after the pictures, the chaos that lives Nicaraguans is clear. "We condemn the violence wherever it comes from. The abuse of force by the state is not admissible, "he explains.

The diplomat argues that what happens in Nicaragua" leads us to ask for this extraordinary session "The repression only aggravates the crisis. Nicaragua must guarantee the full validity of human rights. Defending and fighting for the validity of rights can not be interpreted as intervention, "he says

2:02 pm. The Nicaraguan delegation requests the presentation of a short video in which it reports alleged acts of "criminal groups" and testimonies of people who question the bars of those who protest against the Daniel Ortega regime. The video supports the position of the executive, in which there is no repression. According to them, Nicaragua is attacked by "terrorist" groups.

They do not mention the paramilitary in the service of the ruling party, denounced by the population as responsible for the brutal repression of the government. The video footage shows broadcasts from channel 4 of the presidential channel, where they describe protesters as "right-wingers".

2:00 .pm The US Ambbadador, Carlos Trujillo, asks to be approved the agenda of the day. Nicaragua and Venezuela are opposed. But he is approved.

1:58 pm. Venezuela takes the floor and says that it rejects the new session, as Nicaragua said. The ambbadador emphasizes the obligation not to interfere in the internal affairs of others. He describes as political lynching what he wants to do in this organization with the government of Daniel Ortega

13:53. The session begins with the absence of Foreign Minister Denis Moncada . Speaking Luis Alvarado, Ambbadador of Nicaragua, said that he did not give his consent for the holding of this session. "The pretext of wanting to repeat the previous session (Wednesday) and wanting to ignore acts committed by terrorist groups is not justified," he said.

13h 21 For having begun the extraordinary session of the OAS to see the case of Nicaragua. The chairman of the Permanent Council informs everyone that they are waiting for the arrival of the Nicaraguan Chancellor, Denis Moncada, who has declared "that he is on his way". He announces that the session will begin in 15 minutes.

The meeting of the ambbadadors has raised expectations in the country, punished by the repression of Daniel Ortega since last April, which killed at least 351 people. The meeting comes the day after a resolution of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of the US Congress, in which the Nicaraguan regime was sentenced for repression, a document described by Republican Congress Ileana. Ros-Lehtinen and, while in Nicaragua, a national strike is organized to protest against the authorities.

In this #paronacional in the city of #Nicaragua march p demand the exit of #Ortega I am honored q Subcommittee of the Western hemisphere pbaded my resolution sending a strong and unified message q #EEUU is in solidarity with them in their struggle p # democracy and #DDHH https: // [19659002] – Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (@RosLehtinen) 12 July 2018

11:57 A group of Nicaraguans bet on the outskirts of the international body seeking democracy for the country ruled by Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo. Among the protesters is Berta Valle, wife of university student Félix Maradiaga, who was recently badaulted by Sandinista government mobs.

From @ OEA_oficial we met with our Nicaraguan brothers VIVA NICARAGUA FREE !!!!

– Berta Valle (@bertavalle) July 13, 2018

The session is scheduled to begin at 1:00 pm at the OAS headquarters in Washington, capital of the United States .

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