Long weekend starts with low of $ 5.8 in bencinas


The National Petroleum Company (Enap) reported changes in fuel prices as of this Thursday, with a drop in gas prices and a rise in diesel.

According to the Weekly Price Report, the 93 and 97 octane benzines will decrease by $ 5.8, leaving their reference value at $ 783.7. the liter and 804.5 dollars per liter respectively.

At the same time, kerosene (paraffin) will increase its value by $ 1.4 per liter, at a reference price of $ 577.2.

The diesel will increase by 5.8 dollars, leaving a reference price of 594.1 dollars.

Finally, liquefied petroleum gas will drop by $ 15.5 per liter, leaving a reference price of $ 273.1.

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