Looking for hikers missing in Radal Siete Tazas


Carabineros, GOPE and staff of the Andean German Club of Santiago (DAV) make an intense search to find the location of the hiker Claudio Marcelo Alfaro Quintana (53) Missing in the Around ] Radal Siete Tazas National Park in the Maule region, last Thursday, July 12th.

Alfaro, who is an experienced alpinist, was last seen at the campsite where he was staying near the checkpoint that Carabineros has in the area. It is Saturday, July 14th that the campsite owner, after not seeing him for two days, notified the Carabineros of the loss, thus initiating the search process last Sunday.

"He is a mountain athlete he is alive, I am sure he is alive, what happens is that he had to climb, he must have fallen, he must be fractured and he hopes that we will be able to save him … that is why it is urgent to find him quickly ", badured T13.cl Manuel Alfaro, nephew of the lost.

Alfaro had already posted a video on social media this weekend asking for help in finding people who were in the sector. [19659005] Intense research of Claudio Marcelo Alfaro Quintana lost in the Radal sector #Molina pic.twitter.com/hjHqq3Xevb


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