López Obrador offers Trump to reduce migration


Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed Monday an agreement with the United States to reduce migration, one of the high voltage points with his northern neighbor, a few hours after his overwhelming victory in the Mexican elections.

"I proposed to explore a global agreement, development projects that generate jobs in Mexico, and with them, reduce migration and improve security," writes 64-year-old López Obrador, on Twitter after a 30-minute phone conversation with US President Donald Trump.

] I received a call from Donald Trump and we talked for half an hour. I proposed to explore a global agreement; development projects that create jobs in Mexico, and thereby reduce migration and improve security.

– Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (@AmIoPresidente) July 2, 2018

After the overwhelming victory of AMLO, as we know López Obrador, many wonder how it will be his relationship with his neighbor to the north , particularly with two of these antagonistic models on both sides of the Rio Grande, on vital issues like migration and negotiation to renew the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Before, Trump predicted in the oval office that "the relationship will be very good". "We had a great conversation … I think he'll try to help us with the border."

"Bloody" Elections

Elections End the "Bloodiest" Campaign in Mexico's Recent History, with At Least 145 Political Men Murdered Since September (48 Of Them were pre-candidates and candidates), when the electoral process began, according to Etellekt's cabinet.

In 2012, nine politicians and one candidate were killed.

On polling day, a Labor Party member (PT) was badbadinated in the state of Michoacán (West) and two ruling PRI members in the central state of Puebla.

And on Monday the mayor of Tecalitlán (west), Víctor Diaz, 27, was shot dead by strangers. A civil servant who accompanied him was injured, reported the Attorney General of the State (FGE) by Twitter Historical Responsibility

The Axis of the Left Campaign – Eradicate the poverty, corruption and violence – are deep among Mexicans who demanded a radical change in the second Latin American economy, after an unpopular administration of the government of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) of Enrique Peña Nieto. "I am very aware of my historical responsibility," says the exultant López. Obrador, 64, in front of tens of thousands of fans who cheered him Sunday night.

In his third consecutive attempt to accede to the presidency, AMLO has come forward as the anti-system candidate and has won more than 53% of the votes. , according to official estimates.

In his ambitious nation project 2018-2024 which will begin when he will badume December 1, López Obrador intends a campaign rescue, review the millionaire contracts resulting from the energy reform, an "austere government, without luxury or privilege" and reduce the salaries of senior officials by up to 50%.

All to increase social programs and reduce poverty Mexico, which reaches more than 53 million people, of which more than seven million live in extreme poverty.

Many Mexicans and badysts criticize the lack of concrete proposals.

"The main generic challenge that López Obrador will have is he has offered a utopia (…) Milagros will not be able to do," said Mexican historian Jose Antonio Crespo.

Although his historic triumph was announced, López Obrador tried to rebadure the markets, Monday, the Mexican stock market fell by 2.12%.

AMLO dyed the Mexican political map

Morena, the ruling party, also achieved the majority of governorates (five of nine), including Mexico City. This triumph implies a radical change in the political map in the 32 states of the country and up to this point were mainly governed by alternating traditional benches, the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party and the Conservative Party of National Action.

. true, "said José Gutiérrez, 44, in López Obrador's country barracks.

According to the projections of Consulta Mitofsky, Morena and her allies also guaranteed a majority in the Chamber of Deputies with between 256 and 291 More to elect the president, about 89 million Mexicans were summoned to vote governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies among the 500 seats of the Senate, where they would occupy between 56 and 70 seats. 18,000 positions in conflict, the first time that so many offices were elected in a single process

López Obrador will have to form alliances in a divided country His first message was dedicated to "reconciliation" of the 120 million Mexicans

and before his overwhelming victory, that the INE should formalize in the coming days, López Obrador reaffirmed that he was not "a dictator" 19659027]! Fo nction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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