López Obrador will ask the help of Pope Francisco to promote peace in Mexico


Leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador promised an orderly transition on Tuesday when he will badume the presidency of Mexico and announced an invitation to Pope Francis to "achieve peace in the country" and a meeting in the coming days with the US Secretary of State. , Mike Pompeo

There will be a "call to religious leaders, human rights, to the UN, to begin this meeting among all in order to bring peace to our world. country (…) We will invite Pope Francis ". at a press conference, the President-elect, after meeting with Enrique Peña Nieto at the Presidential Palace

Mexico is experiencing a wave of increasing violence that began in late 2006, when the government launched an offensive controversial military to fight drug trafficking and organized crime. Since then, more than 200,000 people have died, according to official figures that do not specify the number of victims related to the fight against crime.

The Peña Nieto and López Obrador working groups will meet periodically to ensure an orderly, detailed and transparent transition. The trans-menial issues that need it will be dealt with in a coordinated way, "said the Mexican presidency in a statement.

It was a" very good, friendly "meeting, during which different topics were discussed, the need to maintain a stable economic environment until the renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the United States and Canada, through the issue of vital security, has said López Obrador.

After the meeting for over an hour already In camera, it was announced that a visit to Mexico by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will take place on July 13 , and that he will meet López Obrador, Peña Nieto and the Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luis Videgaray.

López Obrador Monday a call "in very good and respectful terms" with US President Donald Trump, in which he about an agreement on economic development in Mexico to decrease migration

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