López Obrador wins in Mexico: 5 featured sentences


"President, President", thousands of Mexicans shouted at Andres Manuel López Obrador, AMLO, as a reception after winning the elections in Mexico.

All was joy. The national anthem arose spontaneously among the children, youth, adults and the elderly who gathered in the symbolic square of Zócalo in Mexico City to celebrate the victory of the elected president of the left.

Polls gave him the advantage throughout the campaign, but the triumph of 53.0% and 53.8% of the vote, according to the National Electoral Institute's quick account was even larger than expected.

BBC World brings together the 5 most remarkable sentences of his first speech, after being elected president:

1. "I call all Mexicans to reconciliation: the country is first"

It was a long-awaited phrase. Mexican society has been very polarized after the long election campaign in which candidates have not spared in disqualifications and accusations.

AMLO called for "putting above personal interests, as legitimate as the interests: the general interest"

2. "We do not bet on the construction of a dictatorship neither open nor secret"

His government, formed by the coalition "Together we will make history" will seek to establish a "genuine democracy", was he announced

. attachment to the established legal order. "

He promised that there will be freedom of business, freedom of expression, badociation and belief." All individual and social freedoms will be guaranteed. "

3. "We will not act arbitrarily and there will be no confiscation or expropriation of property"

In his speech, he also spoke of his economic policy which rebadured those who feared to be more radical

his government "will maintain fiscal and fiscal discipline" and that "commitments made with national and foreign companies and banks will be recognized."

Energy sector signed with individuals will be re-examined to prevent acts of corruption or illegality: if we find anomalies that affect the national interest, we will go to the Congress of the Union and to national and international courts "

4. "On the warning there is no deception: whoever will be punished"

He repeated what he said throughout the campaign: corruption and impunity are the main problems of the country.

stated that "the transformation will be to ban bribery". For this, if necessary, he will punish even "comrades in the fight, officials, friends or relatives."

He called the Mexican people "intelligent, honest and hardworking" and said that corruption is not a cultural phenomenon. 19659002] "This is the result of a declining political system," he said.

5. "For the good of all, first the poor"

Among his main flags is that they identify him as a leftist candidate is his policy against inequality.

"The State will cease to be a minority service committee" We will represent all Mexicans, rich and poor, "he said," we will listen, we will listen and we will we will respect everyone, but we will give preference to the most humble and the forgotten. "

12 years ago, he started looking for the presidency:" For the good of all, first the poor. "

For this, he said, will change the combat strategy to insecurity and violence.He announced that his government would develop a "plan for reconciliation and peace in Mexico And that, he said, he would convene representatives of human rights, religious leaders and the UN, among others. "19659002]" I confess that have a legitimate ambition: to enter history as a good president of Mexico ", concluded his speech.

The applause and the celebrations were for followed long after he had finished speaking.

President on December 1st. However, he badured that he would start working immediately.

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