Los perros pueden identificar malaria olfateando calcetines


If the loser entered, the pubes could identify the malaria gracias has suffered olfato desarrollado. As soon as it has been written by the Universidad de Durnham (Inglaterra) it has been presented in the annual meeting of the Sociedad Americana de Medicina Tropical e Higiene, which is realized in Nueva Orleans (EE.UU.).

Aunque In addition, it was hoped that the authorities would be able to complete the propagacin of the United States (1965, 002) Adems, as soon as this would be possible to begin work on the primeras and malaria. "Nuestros estudios demuestran los los perros que detectan esta enfermedad pueden ser una forma seria de hacer diagnsticos de forma rpida y sencilla, de gente que no no presenta sntomas, pero que ya estinfected", dijo el profesor James Logan del London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, which participates in investigacin.

Malaria is a disease that is transmitted through the mosquitos of anopheles mosquito infected and killed by the dead.

Evitar propagacin

"Esto podra proporcionar una forma no invasiva of detección de la enfermedad en los puertos de entrada, de una manera similar to the usual form in which the perras rastreadores is used to detect frutas y verduras o drogas en los aeropuertos ", dijo el principal Autor del estudio, Steve Lindsay, de U. of Durham.

Of hecho, if luego of ms estudios will be lodged avanzar in este tema, the perros podran ser primer test no invasivo y rpido para detectar the malaria. "It is important to prevent the spread of malaria that the stated laws of the country are free and there is no guarantee that the person will not be infected with malaria, and that it will be treated as an antimalarial. ", agreg

Para investigacin -financiada by the Fundacin Bill y Melinda Gates-, the perros olfatearon calcetines of nios from between cinco to 14 aos of Repblica de Gambia, aleste de frica. In los nios is the hizo una prueba that consisted in a pinchazo in el dedo para saber if eran o no portadores of malaria in the blood.

In total, back perros adiestrados olfatearon 175 calcetines, incluyendo los of 30 nios that dieron positivo in the prueba of malaria.

Segn los datos del estudio, the perros detectaron and the 70% of the mums con malaria, adem identificaron correctamente to 90% of the malls sin malaria.

Eso s, ms estudios son necesarios para saber if los perros pueden detectar a personas infectadas con malaria en otras partes del mundo, agregaron los investigadores.

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