Losing weight during the winter is possible


Studies say that exercise, dietary habits, and cold help burn fat and not raise those unwanted pounds

It is true that with the low temperatures of 39, In winter, they want to eat more delicious things than usual and this little light does not seem to invite physical activity. However, it is a perfect season to lose weight.

According to a study published in the journal Cell, cold radically alters the composition of bacteria in the intestine, leading to fat burning, weight reduction, and improved metabolism.

Mirko Trajkovski, professor in the Department of Cell Physiology and Metabolism at the University of Geneva, also pointed out that it has been shown that microbes in the intestine regulate energy and metabolism. that discovery could help create new treatments against obesity

Without a doubt, there is a scientific efficacy of cold before weight loss. That's why during this winter, the nutrition specialists of SpeedWorks advise you, in addition to exercising, to maintain your eating habits without neglecting the natural tastes of the season :

1. All without excess. It is permissible to ingest typical foods of the winter, but without abusing. Maintaining the same eating habits is essential for maintaining weight.

2. Keep the natural. The consumption of fruits such as pineapple, kiwi or banana will always be important for our metabolism, for energy and to counter a bit the foods we eat in winter.

Do not forget the proteins. Fish, carrots and eggs will give you the energy to recover and help build muscle tissue.

4. Without carbohydrates, there is no energy. Although it is said otherwise, carbohydrates play a very important role because they are the main source of energy for the body, being determinants for good physical and mental performance. It is always necessary to eat at least one meal, it also gives the feeling of an ideal fullness so that you do not consume it.

5. Healthy fats. Avocado is an excellent food that will help metabolism better treat carbohydrates and proteins.

6. Recover energies. On the other hand, if the workout is in the morning, a good snack can be a liquid protein that helps you recover and nourish your muscles.

7 . Stay hydrated. This is a key factor in physical and mental health, so it is advisable to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. In addition to giving you more energy and vitality, it helps reduce joint pain, lose weight, decrease appetite and keep the skin hydrated and wrinkle free.

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