Losses from drought rise to nearly 6,000 million dollars


07/01/2018 – The Grain Exchange
from Buenos Aires (BCBA)
estimated at $ 5.895 million
economic losses
because of the drought
it mostly affected
in the soybean campaign and
2017/2018 corn, since
for the lack of rain
they lost 27
million tons of
thick grains.
The gross product of
the two chains will be one
23% below level
who could have reached
in case of not having
There was a drought. In the
badysis of the economy
as a whole, the loss
it is estimated at 0.86%
of Argentine GDP.
In the field of exports,
for the bottom
in exported quantities
cereals and by-products,
partly because of an improvement
in international prices,
the loss
could reach the
$ 5,374 million. The
the perception of the tax would suffer
a reduction of
$ 1.735 million, already
that there is less collection
for deductions
because there are minors
sales abroad and at a
low in the collection of
other taxes due to
less activity
In the report of
Porter bag, is observed
that the principal has harmed
of the continuous chain
to be the link
primary, with a fall
in the added value of
$ 3,331 million and there
a significant loss
on transportation
US $ 422 million.
Increased costs
On the other hand, there is an impact
drought in the
beef production
and the dairy products that they use
corn and flour
soy in and out
this situation there is an increase
costs of
order of $ 1,000
Economists of
BCBA states that "the
study presented only
see the effects
direct exhaustion
production on
the agro-industrial sector,
so the impact
final would be old enough
if interactions are included
with the rest
sectors of the economy ",
they explained the

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