Love in times of sexually transmitted diseases


(CNN) – To go out with a new person, just visit the neighborhood's new restaurant or take a yoga clbad. And in the era of protected bad, it also means sharing information about your badual health.

People with badually transmitted diseases or STDs, also known as badually transmitted infections or STIs, such as herpes, chlamydia or HIV, have been trying for years. Today, it is estimated that one badually active American out of 2 will have an STD before turning 25 years old.

But has it become easier to have an appointment with one of these diseases?


"What is lymphogranuloma, the venereal disease that triggered the epidemiological alert in Argentina?" [Traduction libre] In my opinion, this is not the case, "said Jenelle Marie Pierce, executive director of the STD project and spokesperson for, a dating site for people with badually transmitted diseases.

I've asked Pierce and other experts to share more information about dating when you have an STD.

The key, as in any case: talk. [19659008] When should you tell a potential partner that you have an STD? [19659009] "Depending on your preferences and feelings about the person you are dating, you may want to comment on your ETS or not. The one or the other approach is suitable, but not to disclose your situation when badual activity is clearly imminent is not correct, "says badual therapist Diane Gleim. [19659003] In other words, you do not need to have this conversation on your first date. (Unless you wish), but you must inform your partner before becoming badually intimate

Josh Robbins, HIV / AIDS activist and spokesperson for another dating site,, said: "It's about being honest about your Sexual health, and the longer you wait to tell someone who is HIV-positive, the harder it will be

How to talk about your STD to a potential partner?

It is better to approach the conversation in a pragmatic way. and succinctly in a safe space with few distractions, Pierce said. "Give room to the person and let them take a day or two to answer the questions," he suggests.

And for people with badually transmitted diseases who want to avoid embarrbading conversation and go wonderfully towards all other aspects Uncomfortable Dating: Websites such as and offer a way to do that.

Sexual therapist Rachel Needle offers this advice: "First and foremost, be sure to tell her in person, in person." Tell your partner about the STDs you have, including how to become badually active active and reduce the risk of transmission, let your partner ask the questions you have. "

What should we expect when he reveals that he has an ETS?

"People with long-term STIs always expect the worst when they disclose their status, but I want to motivate them to just accept the best", Pierce said. "While not everyone will be happy to have an STD, a calm, kind and thoughtful response is what should happen when a new person is revealed – if it's hysterical, cruel or disrespectful, run away," he said.

] Laureen HD, a bad educator, added that "potential partners tend to ask" what happened? "after revealing that you had an STD

What should people without badually transmitted diseases know about going out with someone who has one?

The experts I contacted point out that a person you know you have a badually transmitted disease, be more aware of your badual health.

It is also worth informing you about this risk. "A preventative drug called PrEP is now available for people who have a relationship with a person with HIV. "We also now know that if viral loads are not detectable, HIV can not be pbaded on to a partner."

It is clear that having an STD should not end the romantic relationship or bad. Just like safe bad, this is just another topic you will want to discuss with a new partner before becoming intimate.

Ian Kerner is a marriage therapist, writer and licensed bad contributor for CNN. [1965902] 4] [ad_2]
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