"Luciano Cruz Coco": The House Speaker's mistake that triggered laughter in Congress | National


The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Maya Fernandez (PS), suffered from jovial laxity as he led session No. 45 Tuesday in the House.

"Following what was raised by the deputy Luciano Cruz Coco …" he started by saying. "In accordance with the provisions …" he tried to continue, when the whole room unleashed his laughter for the parliamentarian 's mistake.

Even some took the time to applaud after the scene. "I'm sorry," he said before continuing.

All of the above, the same day that the parliamentarians of Chile Vamos, María José Hoffmann (IDU), Leopoldo Perez (RN), Luciano Cruz Coke (Evopoli) presented the motion of censure against the table of the Lower House, presided over by Fernandez herself

Thus, the episode immediately recalled the situation that led in in 2011 the deputy Pepe Auth when he appointed the current president of the UDI like Jacqueline van Rysselberga .

The above, after the controversy that surrounded the then intendanta of Bío Bío, which led a group of parliamentarians to request the creation of a commission investigating the alleged irregularities.

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