Lula Da Silva continues to conduct polls in Brazil despite being in prison


An opinion poll reveals that the former president has 33% support for the upcoming presidential elections.

Although the former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio 'Lula & # 39; da Silva is still in prison, his name remains at the head of the electoral preference in his country and doubles in number to that of any other possible candidate for the next presidential election.

A survey conducted by the company Ibope reveals that Lula da Silva has 33% of the intention to vote, followed by the ultra-rightist Jair Bolsonaro, with 15%; the ecologist Marina Silva, with 7%, Labor Ciro Gomes, with 4%; and the Social Democrat Geraldo Alkmin, also with 4%, details Jornal do Brasil.

22% of those surveyed said they would vote in blank before paying for any of these candidates, Publimetro said. However, the legal status of the favorite prevents, for the moment, to stand for elections scheduled for October this year.

Sin Lula

According to the electoral law in Brazil, no one with sentence ratified in the second instance, as it is the case of Lula, can be presented as a candidate for a popular election because it risks being vetoed.

In a scenario without Lula, the balance changes. The pollster predicts that the electorate would prefer Bolsonaro, with 17%; followed by Marina Silva, with 13%; Ciro Gomes, 8%; and Alckmin, 6%.

On the other hand, the company consulted the badessment that today has the management of President Michel Temer, who has been ranked as one of the most unpopular of the history of Brazil, with an approval of only 4%. Of those surveyed, 79% considered the current direction as "terrible" and 16% as "regular".

The measure, which was made between June 21st and 24th, has a margin of error of 2 percentage points and included 2,000 respondents in 128 municipalities of the South American country.

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