Macabre: Carabineros finds remnants of young man floating in Huechuraba canal


Riflemen from the 54th Huechuraba Police Station rescued the body of a young man, aged between 20 and 30, floating on the El Carmen Cbad, at the intersection of Recoleta Ave. with the pbadage Pedro Aguirre Cerda .

According to preliminary information from the uniformed police, a telephone call 133 alerted the investigation at about 1:40 pm Upon arriving there, the officials realized that the report was effective, which is why they extracted the body from the water to try to help it.

However, according to the testimony of the uniforms, they verified that he was already deceased and in preliminarily condition, it is not excluded that the remains correspond to a young man who has been missing for three weeks, who has was last seen in the municipality of La Florida and who is the son of a rifleman, but the identity must be confirmed.

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