Maersk closure: this Saturday will meet workers, business leaders and the government | National


Tomorrow, Saturday, the first meeting will take place between those who were disconnected from the company Maersk in San Antonio the company's leaders and the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg.

in the middle of the differences between the government and Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT) for the reasons that would have caused the mbadive layoffs.

In the government of San Antonio and at 10:00. Saturday the first meeting between the disengaged people and the cadres of Maersk with the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg.

Tripartite meeting announced by the government to be held two weeks after the company confirmed the closure of its operations in San Antonio and 1,209 people will be without their source of work.

In the antechamber, the deputy and the chairman of the labor commission, the Socialist Gastón Saavedra, pi La Moneda appointed a presidential delegate in the region to facilitate the reintegration of the unemployed. mp3

Encounter that will take place in the middle of the differences on the reasons that would have explained this mbadive dismissal, adding to companies Cial to Temuco and Pastas Suazo to Curicó .

Minister Monckeberg insisted that this was a consequence of what he thought were the bad policies and reforms carried out by the previous government. 06 / yr29maesk2.mp3

The president of the CUT, Barbara Figueroa, asked the secretary of state to be responsible for his statements.

In an interview with Emol, the former Minister of Labor, Alejandra Krauss, rejected that these dismissals are due to the reform of the work . Osvaldo Andrade was also the portfolio manager in Michelle Bachelet's first administration.

Tomorrow's meeting will also involve local authorities. According to the Government, training grants will be granted to 40 women who were employees of Maerks.

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