Maersk workers will file demands for dismissal of 1,200 people in front of foreign organizations | Economy


Workers of the Danish multinational Maersk who announced the closure of his container factory in San Antonio, leaving more than 1,200 unemployed workers delivered this Thursday a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announcing that they will appeal to international agencies for what happened.

Carlos García, president of the firm's No. 1 union, explained that "the claim in particular has to do with the fact that protocol according to the regulations of the OECD which states that companies being closed, for whatever reason, there is a decoupling protocol . "

This, he explained," begins with the official announcement to the workers' leaders and then the government is informed and thence the policy of mitigation is armed for not to generate the cruel scenario that in this case In this regard, the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg stated that "when the parties are poorly made, someone pays and unfortunately the consequences that we see of some companies that closed by bankruptcy or debt are consequences of four years of bad

In this sense, the Secretary of State accused the previous administration because "they did not generate employment, they blocked growth ".

"Often, labor legislation hardens the reality of the worker and when it is necessary to adapt to new types of employment. If you have a labor legislation that puts a heavy bag in back that prevents you from changing jobs or seeking better opportunities, you end up hurting the worker, "said Monckeberg. [ad_2]
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