Magdalena Matte vs. JVR: "Parties that do not renew leadership are sentenced to death"


UDI militant Magdalena Matte harshly criticized party president Jacqueline van Rysselberghe, who wants to run for president.

At a participation in front of nearly 300 supporters of the UDI in Linares, Matte, along with Senator Juan Antonio Coloma and deputies Javier Macaya and Juan Antonio Coloma Álamos, reiterated his support for Macaya for to become the new party chairman and, by the way, sent a message to JVR: "The relay time has arrived The time has come to open new spaces for new leaders to direct the UDI, competent people like Javier Macaya, supported by experienced leaders, parties that do not renew their leadership are doomed to die or become irrelevant. "

" UDI needs a collective project and not an individual agenda Javier Macaya has managed to win the support of most parliamentarians, former presidents of the party, a transitional group of mayors, city councilors, regional councilors and leaders.It is a man of unit. "

" It is necessary to resume the traditional style of the UDI. It means proximity, simplicity, austerity. Concern about the real problems of the population, especially the most vulnerable, "he said.

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