Maipú signs an agreement with the chain of pharmacies: 97% discount for neighbors


Maipú Mayor Cathy Barriga has signed an alliance with a chain of pharmacies, which will offer drugs with a discount of up to 97% for all District residents requiring permanent access to drug treatment. , as elderly people and patients with chronic diseases.

This agreement offers more than 1,300 medicines at the same prices, or even lower prices than those of popular pharmacies.

The model will operate in Salcobrand's premises in the municipality to guarantee permanent access, immediate stock and low prices for the community.
Neighbors will only have to present a valid prescription, their Maipú benefit card and their identity card to gain access to the discount.

For the mayor, this alliance is of paramount importance for the municipality, as "health was a key issue in those two years of management, we have doctors at home, a mobile anger, preventive examinations of bad cancer until 2020, a preventive control of prostate cancer in men and we today launched the agreement with Salcobrand where with the Maipú protection card. "

the municipality's website, you will know which drugs are affected by this benefit and locate the network of stores that operate there.

Residents of Maipú who wish to obtain their card must apply to the Municipality of the municipality or Salcobrand located at the following address: Avda. Los Pajaritos 2624, and present their identity card with a document certifying their accreditation. you go to the commune.

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