Mapuche and Governments in continuous litigation – Daily Neuquén


The relationship between Mapuche organizations and local governments is complicated: more and more frequent episodes are inexorably followed by headlines (albeit sometimes ephemeral) in the media version of the early twenty-first century, generally characterized by grandiloquence before the substance.

This Tuesday, for example, broke the theme badociated with Facundo Jones Huala in the south of Rio Negro-Chubut. They first usurped the Villa Mascardi hotel, then they cut off Highway 40, then they took over the national parks headquarters. Protestants demand the release of Jones Huala, nothing new. The governor of Rio Negro quickly identified the movement as belonging to the Mapuche insurgency, identified at least theoretically with ancestral resistance, the now famous RAM.

In Neuquén there was also an episode, of lesser violence. The Mapuche Confederation denounced a possible expulsion of land which, according to Jorge Nahuel, had granted them (50 hectares on the edge of Colonia Nueva Esperanza, on the plateau of the capital) in 2011 the mayor of the time, Martín Farizano [19659004]. Horacio Quiroga said that it is wrong to expel an area where there is nothing and there have not been any since all these years. Hernán Ruiz, the undersecretary of municipal lands, said that these lands still belong to the municipality, because the deliberative council has never been issued in this regard and the municipality can not surrender land from his ejido if it is not approved by the Deliberante. The Mapuche communities that received the land in 2011 are Newen Mapu and Puel Pvjv. Now the problem, perhaps, finds a unique solution, through what the judge determines.




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