Marianist priest was formalized for repeated abuse of a minor


The priest of the Marianist Congregation José Lara Burgos, accused of repeatedly abusing a minor, was left with national roots and a ban on approaching the victim.

According to the portal, events occurred between 2007 and 2009 at the Miguel León Prado School in San Miguel. At that time, the victim was six years old.

Lara Burgos allegedly played the plays when he worked as a teacher of extracurricular workshops.

On the other hand, the 11th Guaranty Court of Santiago has decreed a period of 180 days to conduct the investigation.

"We are satisfied because we are talking about the preliminary stage of the investigation, it is a Marianist brother of Spanish nationality, and for us it was essential to keep him related to the investigation" , said the prosecutor of the Office of Domestic and Sexual Violence. Guillermo Adasme.

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