Marketing: Yerba Mate with Cannabis – Politics


Marketing Manager is selling yerba with cannabis. It's actually cannabidiol (CBD) which is a component of the plant and that accounts for 40% of its extract. This is not the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) that has consequences on the alteration of the senses (vision, hearing, smell), the perception of reality and that configures what we call a "para-world" or a parallel world. Depending on the doses that are placed in the yerba mate will have sedative effects and depending on the ration, it may seem that if we add lime-valerian.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is not psychoactive or is nontoxic and is used today for medical applications such as refractory epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea, and certain types of cancer. The problem must be seen in perspective. Uruguay is a political and economic ram with very ostensible narcotic interests right now (think it is now one of the most drug consuming countries). The sale of marijuana in some pharmacies (they are rare because most do not accept) has increased the supply of all illicit drugs. The brain that is altered in its precise electrochemical balances by drug use is an ally of all this and then the need to re-consume becomes imperative for some vulnerable people. The problem is to popularize its use and it is an advertising problem.
Yerba's advertising does not mention cannabidiol. The image that in a civilization of the image is the basic thing shows the leaf and the "small plant" linked to marks with a clear emotional meaning (Abuelita is one of the marks). The important thing is that cannabis is imposed as a brand, image and significant in the spirit of the population. All those working in the addiction field know that marijuana is the "Trojan Horse" of all drugs. Drugs are part of the "chemical gulag" of today and are another of the pitfalls that are used to flee from ourselves and with a lot of gains for many.

Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsin announces the fall of the Soviet Stalinist system when he publishes in 1973 his essay and his novel "Archipelago Gulag "who are forced labor camps where millions of people live the insult of being dissidents where he is imprisoned from 1945 to 1958 to have He voiced differences with Stalin in a letter that he had. he had sent to a friend intercepted by the KGB. In 1950, there were 3 million prisoners in the Gulag. After many adventures, you can publish your work that deserves the Nobel Prize with millions of copies that are translated. He returned to prison and by international pressure fled to the United States after he withdrew Soviet citizenship. Living in Vermont The fall of the empire begins to occur from there through the empire not boots but of speech and its transmission.

The question of power and the regimentation of society through arms and force was a key issue for the late twentieth century. Aldous Huxley in the same line believes that coercion was no longer needed to attain power but that the new totalitarianism would be devoted to shaping consciences and that the ration of "soma brutalizing" and "hypnopedy" should be guaranteed to the people. 19659002] The drowsy drowsiness was going to be intoxicating, the drugs that would introduce it into a "Happy World" (famous essay of the author). The "hypnopedia" would be based on the repetition of slogans that, as permanent "councils", shape behaviors and customs. Drugs and propaganda with that were enough. More guns. More Nazi or Soviet concentration camps were sufficient for "imaginary concentration camps".
Medications are now part of this new chemical "gulag". Millions of people are left wandering like "nobodies" in search of the dose but for them they were educated in a Huxley style hypnopedia in the bbadization of consumption, the social acceptance of drugs, the trivialization of drugs. damage and the use of cannabis. ) as "Trojan horse" of all drugs. It generates an advertising space based on a totalitarianism of "unique thought" with a determined marketing which forms an anonymous power directed towards the control of the behaviors and the surplus value of the inconsiderate consumption of substances which like a panoptic in the style of Huxley but "soft" in Huxley's words will generate as an unsatisfied Promise a "Happy World".
The big drug companies that quote Wall Street's Nasdaq with cannabis as standard with cannabidiol in the form of oil or medicines for some diseases also show other intentions with the sale in marijuana stores already with THC as hallucinogen that is part of the plant Meanwhile, "narco" interests are rubbing their hands as the global consumption of all drugs increases because they have weapons to compete with the legalized sale, as seen in Uruguay, and in better conditions.
They join in this new "chemical gulag" different interests some pharmaceutical industry derivatives, other illegal sales with networks on all sides and finally the cultural crisis that so well described Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsin compared to the spiritual fall and ethical prisms of the West where the drug has become even a political liberation banner where the old Marxist morality has been abandoned and where substances are another element of the conquest of power since the creation of thousands of "anonymous" more manipulable. 19659002] * Director General Gradiva – Addiction Rehabilitation

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