Martino and Diez, partners of Copeval and Turbus, ask the authorization to the CMF to enter the sector of the insurance


The group of contemporary businesses related to businessmen Gonzalo Martino, Jesús Diez and Gustavo Ahumada, who also has brokerage firms in factoring, leasing and real estate goods and services, has decided to enter the insurance market. local actor in an industry where a significant portion of the premium is in the hands of international actors ", it says in a statement.

The company has integrated the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF) general . "The intention is to start the operation before the end of 2018 and the focus will be on the attention of companies, with a strong investment in technology and with excellent service to insurance brokers and customers, "said Elías de la Cruz and who will act as general manager of the company.

" Our goal is to develop products tailored to businesses, with subscribers experienced commercial techniques, automating often manual processes in the industry and can only improve Through a statement, Contempora points out that "the opportunities are enormous in a market like Chile with the highest penetration in the world" 39; bad in Latin America, close to the quality of service and the experience of brokers and customers ". 5% of GDP and with a high potential economy, where infrastructure needs are very relevant and with companies – most of them small and medium-sized – increasingly valuing the need for protection . "

" The support of the Insurance Brokers has been very encouraging, "they stress," We want to take the market positive, which is sophisticated and flexible, and improve what we believe can be done better, in a simple way, sometimes even different, investing in modern and user-friendly systems that make hiring faster and easier and, of course, pay attention to claims, a fundamental part where you have to be fast and transparent, "add -they.

"The challenge is significant, we will compete fairly with other insurance companies who know very well what they have come many years ago and for that we prepared ourselves" , have they finished.

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