Master was brutally assaulted by the student and parents


Thursday, July 5, 2018
The professor suffered a brutal badault on the part of the student and his parents

Professor Patricia Seplveda of Liceo Poeta Vicente Huidobro of Cartagena was attacked by two lawyers and a lawyer Institutional student Tuesday afternoon, receiving strong bruises on one leg and the right eye.
The teacher, who is also the communal president of the Teachers' Association and the principal teacher of the college Liceo Poeta Vicente Huidobro, was intercepted by a student of his clbad at the end of the day of after a discussion where explanations were given. the suspension of the minor because of his bad behavior, they proceeded to attack him physically.
Patricia Seplveda explained the incident in the morning of this Wednesday while she was at the IST in San Antonio, where she was examined by professionals to check the severity of the bruising that occurred. She keeps on her leg and her right eye.
The teacher explained that this problem started because the student, "had given him a rage the previous week and repressed all the windows of the room and was suspended, because apart from that , the death of the teachers threatening .. bottom, the father has a record, the boy had hit the windows of the Municipality of Cartagena, unfortunately, the mayor has not done the procedure because the lawyer came to s & d; To excuse and that it would never happen again, but there is also a story of the year finally, the boy attacked people in the school where he studied, which is the President Aguirre Cerda of Cartagena and the lawyer threatened the Inspector General to make a montage where he denounced this teacher abused children, which is serious context of the detective who is detained, then he hanged and invented all teachers who abuse children. "
Patricia Seplveda also explained that after the end of their working day in the afternoon of Tuesday, while they were moving collectively, both parents of the child, "I am arrested, they ask me notes, when the child would come back, that I can not answer and that is when the reaction of the agent became more violent, I told them that we had left the conversation ah because it was on the street and that was a formal conversation.
The teacher points out that the incident of violence that the child lived in Cartagena High School was born after he, who was president of the first semester, began "to collect signatures with his peers, where he told them that he wanted to improve the school infrastructure, He was just the president of a course and he jumped all the regular channels that the Center of there was a school board, so all this was skipped, but the way the director is informed is that the signatures he had collected were for taking high school, and then they meet at the board of directors. 39, school, they inform the subcontractors and my students and power holders who represent the course, they require that I sort out the student of the course presidency, because it does not represent him. Ah, c & # 39; was the furious attack. "
For now, the teacher is under medical license ale and rests completely, because in addition to the strong aggression that she suffered in her leg, she also has a disability due to a past illness.
Seplveda, hope that because of this new measures can be taken to avoid violation of the rights of teachers, because in the 20 years he was a high school professional, he had not never knew a situation of this gravity.
"The idea is to be first and last (aggression), thank God both the mayor, as the municipal lawyer, chief Daem, the management of the establishment, everything has provided support, (must already) filed the complaint in the courts of justice, but the case has already arrived in Fiscala, where my father and my brother are right now, and even there, all the lawsuits are followed because even though it sounds terrible, it's good that it happened, because I'm not going to fall, I will not panic, I'll continue to work on what I'm going to Love, I am a professional teacher, I am also a social vocation facilitator and it will not intimidate me, at the time the war on the death that I had when I was I have acquired this disability, minus one guy who is delinquent, "added the teacher badaulted.
In the same way, she hopes that "the three people have the punishment that they deserve, but the most important thing is that these children be referred to someone else to be responsible for taking care of them. they, because this child is already 15 years old. delinquent, able to attack a woman who knows that he is disabled in the street, with his parents, is because he is already a delinquent. The subject is the minor who comes and the girl, who must be saved, because they are violent parents, here we must improve the law of school coexistence, we must respect what is stated in Article 8 of the status of teaching, in which we deserve respect and must condemn all these actions of aggression. the article of the law on education is not as important as the laws that protect children, so I think it's already good and that's what the Teachers' College wants to reach, at the bargaining table with the Ministry of Education It was witch to this improvement of the law of school coexistence and that we teachers will definitely support us. "
During his stay at IST, the teacher was accompanied by the National President of the Teachers' Association, Mario Aguilar, who reaffirmed that" for us, this is enough, the badaults against teachers have increased, we have reported it, we have reported it to the Superintendency of Education and also to the Ministry, this is part of our request even in a negotiating table that we have, but until now this has not been taken into account in the gravity of the situation, that this teacher was badaulted by three people, among them a varn, a coward who badaulted her at the out of school, in a kind of ambush where they expect her to be alone, to badault her as they did, for us it is unacceptable.It will not go unpunished, we will give the colleague all the legal support, we will follow the lawsuits up to the x last circumstances, we will be part of the complaint that is submitted by the municipality and therefore, we will continue with this support because it is an emblematic case for us ".

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