Mayor Joaquín Lavín receives the support of UDI deputies for the Rotonda Athens project


UDI deputies, Guillermo Ramírez and Jaime Bellolio, went on Tuesday to support the construction of a building of 85 social housing promoted by Mayor Joaquín Lavín in the Rotonda Atenas of the Las Condes neighborhood. the rejection of the neighbors, who even made a cacerolazo to express their discontent.

"The families that can apply to this type of housing, are families who live in Las Condes for more than 10 years, they are families of the municipality and there is more than one Thousands of families are waiting for a house, a house, which is why, as a deputy from Las Condes, I asked my colleagues to go to Mayor Joaquín Lavín to express our support for project that he is carrying out, "said district deputy Guillermo Ramírez, 19659003]" We hope that this is only a beginning, that from now on not only in Las Condes, but throughout the country, there will be integration and we can coexist people from different worlds in a town. "Ramírez

Deputy Bellolio, pointed out the neighbors who protested against the project and said, "I want to tell this group of neighbors that the people who would be in these social housing s have exactly as you do not eat, they do not bite, they are not Martians, they are people like you and the only difference is that they have less money.

"What Mayor Lavín does, it is something excellent, about the quality of life in our cities, with the integration and collapse of the walls of the mistrust (…) everyone in a democracy has the legitimate right to go demonstrating, but this manifestation is of a deep clbadism that I do not share, "concluded the deputy.

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