Measles: how does it spread and prevent it?


The Department of Health reported the case of a woman who contracted measles while on a trip in to Ecuador and Colombia . The woman, of Colombian nationality but resident in the country since 2005, returned to a flight from Lima of the airline Latam, with 200 other pbadengers on board.

Faced with this, the health authorities began to search for the pbadengers of the flight LA639 in order to control their state of health and to avoid new cases. For this, they must communicate with the telephones +569989001761 and +56985271580 . Until now, 22 people have been contacted.

Also read: Minsal is looking for pbadengers from a measles flight to Chile

Measles is considered one of the most contagious diseases. It can be transmitted by direct contact with the nasal or throat secretions of infected persons or, less frequently, by airborne transmission.

That's why, to take care of you, we present the five data. you must know the disease.


What are the symptoms?

According to the Ministry of Health, the clinical manifestations of infection are as follows: high fever, cough, runny nose (nasal congestion)), co njuntivitis and maculo papulosus exanthema, that is, known skin rashes lasting between four and seven days.

How to prevent measles?

We can warn him. through vaccination . In Chile, the vaccine is part of the compulsory vaccination program and is administered at 12 months and during the first vaccination . Periodic immunization campaigns have been conducted since 1992 to strengthen the immunity of children.

What is the status of measles in Chile?

In Chile, this virus was eliminated more than 20 years ago, thanks to the incorporation of the vaccine into the national immunization program. The epidemics we have known since are due to the entry of travelers who have contracted in other countries.

Why did we have measles cases in our country?

Measles outbreaks are generated by Persons with incomplete vaccination systems who travel to countries where the virus is circulating are more likely to contract the disease.

What is the vulnerable population in Chile?

In Chile, all children under 35 are effectively protected by vaccination (at least two doses in their lifetime).

A group of persons was born between 1971 and 1981 (36 under 46 years) who received a lower dose of vaccine and may not be effectively protected against this disease the same risk for children between 6 and 11 months because the first dose is indicated at the age of one year. To address this group, Minsal began in May 2011 to vaccinate all travelers born between 1971 and 1981; and in September, health staff and workers in contact with travelers were vaccinated.







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