Meet eight essential foods for 40 year olds


(Caracas, July 20. News24). Maturity does not come alone, as there is a series of physiological changes that should condition diets to maintain a healthy life and prevent the development of certain diseases, mainly cardiovascular and diabetic, which are essential nutrients [19659002] 1.-Cereals

The consumption of cereals, mainly oats, helps to lower cholesterol. According to the results of different studies, the recommended minimum daily amount is about three grams, which would be enough to lower cholesterol between 5 and 10%. Therefore, it would come with the addition of a couple of tablespoons to a natural yogurt or a glbad of milk. Oat also prevents the risk of developing heart disease, so it is essential to consume it from 50, which coincides with the age at which the chances of suffering from coronary heart disease multiply.

The properties of oats are based on It contains beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that fights cholesterol, lipoproteins and antioxidants, which protect against hypertension by preventing the build-up plaque in the arterial walls.


Fruits are useful for combating a range of common diseases at maturity, such as gout and arthritis, as they are a rich source of antioxidants. Gout, a disease that has doubled its prevalence and incidence over the past two decades and affects mainly men, is linked to elevated levels of uric acid and the formation of microcrystals in the joints, kidneys and soft tissues. With an estimated daily consumption of 200 grams, 60% more uric acid will be excreted.

Nutritionists recommend eating a dozen cherries every other day or drinking a glbad of their juice once a week. It should be consumed as fresh as possible to ensure the absorption of all its vitamins beneficial to health.

Next, the eight foods that you should consume, according to the publication of the portal El Confidencial.

3. Almonds

One of the biggest advantages of this dry fruit is that it reduces blood sugar and prevents cholesterol. However, it is convenient to eat almonds as desalinated as possible, otherwise they will help to increase blood pressure. In one of the studies conducted on the health properties of almonds, it was determined that a daily intake of 60 grams resulted in a 10% reduction in blood glucose, which provides considerable protection against cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The results also showed that they reduce "bad" cholesterol (LDL) and increase "good" levels.

4.-Blue Fish

The high omega-3 content of blue fish helps to reduce heart rate and blood pressure, so that it reduces the risk of getting arrhythmias. The richest omega 3 fish are salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and herring. Other studies on the properties of these fish indicate that they help reduce the risk of stroke. To do this, they should be eaten about three times a week, always trying to simmer or steaming them to avoid losing their properties, since omega 3 fatty acids are extremely sensitive to high temperatures. The best way to preserve them is to eat raw fish in the form of sushi


The properties of soy are related to the reduction of cholesterol, the increase in bone density (Especially necessary in postmenopausal women) and improved male fertility thanks to its high content of isoflavonoids. Nutritionists recommend a consumption of about 90 grams of soy a day for women over 50 and about half for men. Beans are essential, as is soy, as they help regulate the levels of osteocalcin protein.

Soybeans are recommended two or three times a week, although premenopausal women should consult their endocrine system. in the hormone levels if it is consumed in excess. In the case of men, isoflavonoids can slightly destabilize testosterone levels.

We invite you to read: A study reveals that omega 3 consumption does not prevent heart disease


This food is A rich source in antioxidant lycopene, so it offers great protection against the formation of cancer cells and reduces blood pressure. The best way to eat them is to cook them, that is to say in the form of a tomato sauce and not raw in salads because this way the body will absorb lycopene more easily. After exercise, it is advisable to drink about 150 milliliters of tomato juice because, as has been shown in some studies, it prevents coronary heart disease and cancers of the prostate, lung and stomach.

] 7.-Whole Milk

Calcium contained in whole milk is essential for the maintenance of bone density and blood coagulation. After 50 years, it helps fight against the reduction of muscle mbad badociated with aging. The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000 milligrams for men and 1,200 for women (whole milk contains 118 mg of calcium per 100 ml). Vegetables and nuts are also rich in calcium. Other calcium supplements that can be added to milk are cereals, tea or coffee. However, if it is consumed in excess, the risk of prostate cancer increases.


This meat is an excellent source of protein. A 200 gram bad contains about 60 grams of protein, which helps to effectively control weight and increase muscle growth. Chicken is a good alternative to red meats because a skinless bad contains barely one gram of saturated fat (the skin contains 17% fat), while in the thighs it raises to 6%.

Selected by: Julio Cesar Alcubilla Bonnet / Noticias24 / Source: Portal of Curiosidades

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