Members of Frente Amplio to visit Bolivia and Argentina to promote free abortion | National


Members of the Frente Amplio will travel to Bolivia and Argentina to address the feminist agenda in the region and in particular, abortion free as right

The deputies of Frente Amplio, Camila Rojas, Claudia Mix and Maite Orsini will visit neighboring countries next month in order to join forces in their idea to promote the legislation of a project that regulates free abortion in Chile

Currently our country, allows the termination of pregnancy in three motives and according to the figures from the Miles Corporation, between September 2017 and May 2018, a total of 230 procedures were conducted under this law that came into effect a few months ago.

In 41 of these cases, there was violation, 73 because of fetal infeasibility and 116 because of the risk of life of the mother. However, there is still no legislation on free and safe abortion, which we are trying to accomplish, as is currently being discussed in the Argentine Parliament.

MP of Poder Ciudadano, Claudia Mix badured that for women, legal and safe abortion is fundamental, as part of the ongoing feminist struggle.

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The deputy added that it is a reality in the country the situation of many women who abort and risk their daily lives, especially in sectors with fewer resources.

Meanwhile, Corporación Miles' executive director Claudia Dides declared that Chile was ready to legislate on legal and safe abortion, and that it was also a cultural debate that the Chileans deserve.

Claudia Dides, also noted that it is necessary to call civil society to jointly develop a project for legal abortion.

Between 2010 and 2017, there were 1,200 admissions for the abortion crime, of which 101 resulted in a conviction.

National Renewal MP Camila Flores questioned the visit that the Broad Front MPs are going to make to neighboring countries and said that this type of policy only hurts the country.


In addition, the parliamentarian pointed out that Chile Vamos, during the discussion on the decriminalization of l 39; abortion in three reasons, insisted that it would be the gateway for more liberal sectors in value, try to enforce legislation on free abortion.

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