Members of the Broad Front will present Tuesday this request for dismissal Abbott | National


Under the argument of a notable abandonment of duties and to have imposed the doctrine of impunity in case of political corruption, this Tuesday at 9:00 the Supreme Court will file the application dismissal of the national prosecutor Jorge Abott .

A group of 10 parliamentarians will submit a brief to the Supreme Court, requesting that the Abbott dismissal process be initiated, arguing primarily that the head of the Crown has made a notable abandonment of homework. [19659002HoweveristhatTomásHirschquimalgreateroftheparty(humanistic)subtractedfromthepoliticalignificanceofAbbottomaboutthefastestactionsofthepublicisterandparticularlythatarrivedwiththefundedfinancingofLoliticsandtheBusinessContentsreportthat the prosecutor's office did not respect the equality before the law of all Chileans. 18/07/8fdcunabbott.mp3

But in the opinion of the head of the block of UDI, Javier Macaya In the Frente Amplio itself, the idea of ​​seeking the dismissal of the national prosecutor has lost its strength and he recalled that to launch a process of this scope requires strict causes and serious behavior.

In this sense, the deputy of democracy Cristiana, Gabriel Silber, describes as a negative precedent that the National prosecutor be accused and recalled that, as today, the Frente Amplio criticizes the actions of the Public Prosecutor's Office for research on the financing of the policy, before another political sector accuses the prosecutor's office as "political police"

But the deputy of the Autonomist Movement, Gonzalo Winter – one of the few forces of the broad front q who supports the dismissal application against Jorge Abbott-, accused the national prosecutor of having imposed the doctrine of impunity for politicians, for the treatment they received in corruption investigations such as Penta and SQM . ]

Once the request for revocation was submitted by the 10 deputies, as established in Article 89 of the Constitution, the plenary session of the Supreme Court will decide whether to accept or reject the arguments with the vote of the majority of its members in office.

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