Mendoza, at the national sight of the taxi guild


Since mid-June Mendoza is at the center of the national scene because of the possible arrival of electronic platforms in the transportation system. The draft law on mobility that legally opens the way to systems like Uber or Cabify already has a half-sanction and could become law Tuesday.

In this scenario, he arrived yesterday at the province Omar Viviani Secretary General of Union of Taxi Pawns of Argentina (Sipetax), to raise his rejection of the initiative before the Radical Senators of the Legislature ]

However, after the meeting (in which Juan Carlos Jaliff, Diego Costarelli and Jorge Teves ) left "a little disappointed " because the ruling party has shown its intentions to approve the project as it comes from deputies. He also noted that Senators "have promised that this law, if approved, will neither affect nor hinder the work of taxi drivers."

Viviani, a historic trade unionist who has had many controversial statements (last year he called "turning cars" taxi drivers who did not join ] a strike of the CGT), before The Andes who will lead measures of force and demonstrations in the streets in case the Senate would approve the project.

Accompanied by local leaders such as Osvaldo Llanos (taxi pawns) and Fernando Sáez (car owners), the taxi driver referent says that there are "a big concern because this law is endangering thousands of jobs, while opening the door to a multinational that does not pay, has no CUIT has workers precarious and takes money in tax havens. "[19659003] However, he also expressed his fear that, if the project was approved, other provinces would be viralised.

"We are 300,000 families who live by taxi in the country.We will not allow Uber to set up and exploit the rights of workers," he said. he said Viviani referring to Mendoza not only the first province to establish a legal framework for workers .Electronic platforms, but one of the few in Latin America .

In this way, he badured that the real discussion "should not be what can be done so that Uber can enter the country." Here's what you need to do, c & # 39; is that Uber does not enter, and accused the provincial and national governments of not funding taxi drivers and helping taxi drivers to provide better service

"Si we want better service, increase the number of permits so that there are more vehicles in the street to meet dre on demand, but not to melt the work of thousands of families, "he said, adding that the California-based company"

In this sense, he accused Uber and the others platforms "to enter with lower rates to destroy the taxi market, but then unilaterally manage the rates they want." This took place in other countries.

Finally, Viviani said that throughout the country "there is a clear rejection of Uber" and that they will not leave the rights of thousands of "enslaved" workers.

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