Mercosur and Europe resume contacts for free trade – Politics – News – Latest news from Uruguay and the world updated


Brazilian Foreign Minister Aloy-Sio Nunes said that the European Union (EU) and Mercosur negotiators will meet again in July to try to conclude a free trade agreement between The two blocs, "We will resume the technical negotiations between the two blocs on July 8 and we hope to have the conditions to reach an agreement that is not very ambitious," said the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs. in statements given to journalists this Friday after attending a seminar on foreign trade in Rio de Janeiro

According to Nunes, what is now expected of Mercosur is a text with "an ambition similar to that of free trade agreements ". the trade that the European Union has negotiated with Canada, with Japan and with Mexico.


Referring to the difficulties of the negotiations, which had lasted for more than 18 years, he said that the agreement with the European Union required the consensus of the more than 20 countries of the bloc.

"The European Union is a politically strange animal. There are many countries. There is a commission that negotiates with us and says to speak on behalf of all, but ends up speaking for everyone. "

According to the Brazilian Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Mercosur countries, on the other hand, already have a consensus on They want to get by agreement.

The meeting will have technicians from both blocks between the 8th and July 13 will be the first since, after the Mercosur Heads of State Summit on June 18, the Uruguayan President, Tabaré Vázquez, badumed the temporary presidency of the bloc with the commitment not to sign a agree with the EU at any cost or waste time in "eternal negotiations."

Vazquez then said that the bloc is not "ready to sign an agreement" with the EU and stressed that "everything does not depend on Mercosur" by mentioning the lengthening of the negotiations and the supposed resistance of certain European countries to give on certain points.

The presidents of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay ) stated that there were other markets in which The Union was to move closer, such as China, Russia, Japan and the Pacific Alliance (Colombia, Chile, Peru and Mexico). We can not reach a perfect agreement, but we can build an agreement that is able to evolve and grow according to its success. At no time were we so close to achieving it, but it will be useless if we can not conclude it, "said Argentine Vice President Gabriela Michetti at the same summit [19659010] Nunes claimed that negotiations were under way between Mercosur and the EU, they gained a new impetus after the protectionist policies adopted by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, but that Mercosur also wants to conclude agreements with other countries and blocs.

For his part, Minister of Industry Marcos Jorge de Lima, who also participated in the seminar, badured that Mercosur should take advantage of the window of Opportunity that opens until August, because after that month, the European countries will focus on their electoral problems.

"It is important that we can go from there. before the month of August because there are other events which may delay the logic of the negotiations, "said the Minister. or, for whom, if the technical wording of the agreement has not been reached so far, the negotiations may continue until the end of the year.

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