Mercosur: Marito and Tabaré Vázquez want to get closer to mainland China


Mario Abdo Benítez, after his international tour in Argentina, Brazil and Russia, also arrived in Uruguay. It was his first visit there, in his capacity as elected President of Paraguay. He traveled with his Vice President Hugo Velázquez and the future Foreign Minister Luis Castiglioni.

He met Monday morning the President of the Republic of Uruguay, Tabaré Vázquez, to complete the program of his second international tour The Uruguayan president is also the new president pro tempore of the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), that is why he also took the opportunity to address the possible diplomatic approach that could be with mainland China.

"Respecting the diplomatic relations we have With Taiwan, Mercosur should orient itself towards an exploration of free trade with Mainland China, because they have as axis of economic growth in the world and in the complementary market, "said the president elected to the press

. The same interest was expressed by Luis Castiglioni, before the meeting between the two presidents. He said: "The outcome of the negotiations of the European Union is a priority and I hope that under the leadership of Uruguay, it will be concluded in August. the possibility of exploring an agreement with mainland China, under the conditions of Mercosur. "

Mario Abdo Benítez also explained that it is timely to deepen the links of integration with Uruguay, to develop in the market. He stressed that they were talking mainly about strategic conditions to defend common interests and a permanent dialogue for mutual defense.

During the dialogue with the press, after the meeting, Marito expressed some words in Guarani to greet the Paraguayan community living in this country, in response to a journalist from Alma Guaraní.

In the afternoon, Mario Abdo will travel to Chile to meet Tuesday with the head of state, Sebastián Piñera. After this tour, he will return to Paraguay.

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