Merkel and the European cohesion bankrupt because of the migration crisis «Diario y Radio U Chile


The expulsion of the borders of any migrant registered in advance by another European country, such as the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, has at all costs triggered the political crisis. Merkel rejects the measure because she fears a domino effect in Europe and the end of free movement.

Monday, July 2, 2018 1h24.

<img width = "1024" height = "578" src = "" clbad = "img-responsive" alt = "000_11h2ld_0" srcset = " 1024w, / 07 / 000_11h2ld_0-620×350.jpg 620w,×434.jpg 768w, uploads / 2018/07 / 000_11h2ld_0-395×223.jpg 395w,×383.jpg 678w "sizes =" (maximum width: 1024px As [19659005] Merkel and the most upright wing of the fragile coalition government will attempt this Monday for the last time to resolve the purulent conflict over migrants that threatens the German government and also the European cohesion.

L & # 39; Germany was waiting for an epilogue Sunday in the face of this crisis, but finally, after a dozen hours of r Eunions with CSU leaders, Seehofer, head of the conservative Bavarian CSU, offered to give up his mini Sterio and party leadership, before turning to begin a final round of negotiations with Angela Merkel.

"I said that I had made both posts available and that I will fulfill that decision in the next three days," said Seehofer in the early hours of Monday, hinting that the only thing that was going on was that I was going to do it. Uncertainty could extend as the conflict begins its fourth week.

The meeting between Merkel and Seehofer is scheduled to start at 17:00 (15:00 GMT) in Berlin. 19659007] Meanwhile, the fragile coalition, created in March and linking the Bavarian right, the central right Merkel (CDU) and the Social Democrats, has been suspended. Like the union CDU-CSU formed in 1949.

Despite the challenge of the CSU, the head of the German government is inflexible, and Sunday it obtains in Berlin almost unanimous support of the governing bodies of his party.

They rejected in a motion any "unilateral" national decision to reject migrants and supported Merkel's efforts to negotiate European solutions on asylum policy.

The current conflict on the Conservative side erupted in mid-June. when the Chancellor vetoed her minister's plan on expulsions of migrants at the borders. But the tensions are almost permanent since Merkel's decision to open his country to hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in 2015.

The CSU has toughened its policy discourse on the subject. German immigration thinking of the elections of October 14 in Bavaria, where the far-right could collect many votes

The Minister of the Interior had issued an ultimatum to Merkel saying that it would impose expulsions at the borders if "equivalent" measures were not taken at the beginning of July. At the European level

Merkel thought to soften the CSU thanks to the measures taken at the last European summit to reduce migratory flows, but Seehofer described them as "insufficient" Sunday.

The site of the reference magazine Der Spiegel joked about this crisis that is growing: "He resigns, he does not resign … The fight between Chancellor Merkel and her Minister of the Interior is more and more abs Whatever the outcome of the government crisis, Merkel will be politically weakened after 13 years in power

All polls show that the Germans do not approve the contradictory tone chosen by the minister On the other hand, despite the hardening of his speech, intentions to vote for the next regional elections in Bavaria continue to fall for the party of the minister, while enjoying far right (Alternative for Germany, AfD).

Merkel and the most right wing of the fragile coalition government will try this Monday to resolve the bitter dispute over the migrants q It threatens the German government and European cohesion.

Germany was waiting for an epilogue to this crisis on Sunday. But finally, after a dozen hours of meetings with CSU leaders, Seehofer, head of the Bavarian Conservative CSU, offered to resign from his ministry and party leadership, before going back for a last round. Negotiations with Angela Merkel

"I said that I have made the two positions available and that I will abide by this decision in the next three days," said Seehofer at dawn on Monday. , suggesting that uncertainty could be prolonged. the conflict begins its fourth week

The meeting between Merkel and Seehofer is to begin at 17:00 (15:00 GMT) in Berlin

Meanwhile, the fragile coalition, created in March and connecting the Bavarian right, the center right of Merkel (CDU) and the Social Democrats was suspended. Like the union CDU-CSU formed in 1949.

Despite the challenge of the CSU, the head of the German government is inflexible, and Sunday it obtains in Berlin almost unanimous support of the governing bodies of his party.

They rejected in a motion any "unilateral" national decision to reject migrants and supported Merkel's efforts to negotiate European solutions on asylum policy.

The current conflict on the Conservative side erupted in mid-June. when the Chancellor vetoed her minister's plan on expulsions of migrants at the borders. But the tensions are almost permanent since Merkel's decision to open his country to hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in 2015.

The CSU has toughened its policy discourse on the subject. German immigration thinking of the elections of October 14 in Bavaria, where the far-right could collect many votes

The Minister of the Interior had issued an ultimatum to Merkel saying that it would impose expulsions at the borders if "equivalent" measures were not taken at the beginning of July. At the European level

Merkel thought to soften the CSU thanks to the measures taken at the last European summit to reduce migratory flows, but Seehofer described them as "insufficient" Sunday.

The site of the reference magazine Der Spiegel joked about this crisis that is growing: "He resigns, he does not resign … The fight between Chancellor Merkel and her Minister of the Interior is more and more abs Whatever the outcome of the government crisis, Merkel will be politically weakened after 13 years in power

All polls show that the Germans do not approve the contradictory tone chosen by the minister On the other hand, despite the hardening of his speech, intentions to vote for the next regional elections in Bavaria continue to fall for the party of the minister, while enjoying far right (Alternative for Germany, AfD).




Merkel and the most upright wing of the fragile coalition government will attempt on Monday to resolve the fierce conflict over migrants that threatens the German government and European cohesion.

Germany was waiting for an epilogue on this crisis on Sunday. But finally, after a dozen hours of meetings with CSU leaders, Seehofer, head of the Bavarian Conservative CSU, offered to resign from his ministry and party leadership, before going back for a last round. Negotiations with Angela Merkel

"I said that I have made the two positions available and that I will abide by this decision in the next three days," said Seehofer at dawn on Monday. , suggesting that uncertainty could be prolonged. the conflict begins its fourth week

The meeting between Merkel and Seehofer is to begin at 17:00 (15:00 GMT) in Berlin

Meanwhile, the fragile coalition, created in March and connecting the Bavarian right, the center right of Merkel (CDU) and the Social Democrats was suspended. Like the union CDU-CSU formed in 1949.

Despite the challenge of the CSU, the head of the German government is inflexible, and Sunday it obtains in Berlin almost unanimous support of the governing bodies of his party.

They rejected in a motion any "unilateral" national decision to reject migrants and supported Merkel's efforts to negotiate European solutions on asylum policy.

The current conflict on the Conservative side erupted in mid-June. when the Chancellor vetoed her minister's plan on expulsions of migrants at the borders. But the tensions are almost permanent since Merkel's decision to open his country to hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers in 2015.

The CSU has toughened its policy discourse on the subject. German immigration thinking of the elections of October 14 in Bavaria, where the far-right could collect many votes

The Minister of the Interior had issued an ultimatum to Merkel saying that it would impose expulsions at the borders if "equivalent" measures were not taken at the beginning of July. At the European level

Merkel thought to soften the CSU thanks to the measures taken at the last European summit to reduce migratory flows, but Seehofer described them as "insufficient" Sunday.

The site of the reference magazine Der Spiegel joked about this crisis that is growing: "He resigns, he does not resign … The fight between Chancellor Merkel and her Minister of the Interior is more and more abs Whatever the outcome of the government crisis, Merkel will be politically weakened after 13 years in power

All polls show that the Germans do not approve the contradictory tone chosen by the minister On the other hand, despite the hardening of his speech, intentions to vote for the next regional elections in Bavaria continue to fall for the party of the minister, while enjoying far right (Alternative for Germany, AfD).


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