Merkel and the German Minister of the Interior reach an agreement on immigration


The euro wavered several times during the weeks of the conflict, which extended to the point of almost breaking a 70-year alliance between the two parties


Conservatives of the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel they resolved this Monday at the last minute a dispute on immigration that threatened to reverse its fragile coalition government, after a conversation with his rebel Interior Minister who had led him to After five hours of discussions, the minister Horst Seehofer leader of the Christian Social Union ( CSU for his acronym in German), told reporters that he would continue to his post after entering into an agreement with the Christian Democratic Union ( CDU by her initials in German) by Merkel, who, he said, would help curb illegal immigration.

We have reached an agreement on how we can prevent illegal immigration at the border between Germany and Austria, "said Mr Seehofer leaving the headquarters of the CDU in Berlin.

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Agreement for a dispute that had put the Merkel government on the verge of collapse only three months after its dissolution ratifies its position, but the power of the woman who dominated European politics for more than 12 years seems to be diminished, raising doubts as to the end of her term.

L & # 39; euro wavered several times in the weeks that lasted the conflict.out point of a 70-year alliance between the two parties

Merkel ends with the agreement of the And Greece on the question of migration

The disagreement The CDU is the final consequence of the Merkel decision in 2015, opening German borders to more than a million refugees because of wars in the Middle East and Africa.

This decision shook European politics, resulting in the emergence of anti-immigration countries such as the Far Right Alternative for Germany. acronym in German), which now threatens to beat the CSU in the regional elections of October

According to the agreement concluded, the immigrants having already applied for asylum in other countries The European Union countries will be held in border transit centers while Germany will negotiate bilateral agreements for their returns.


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