Mexican researcher wins prize for a precise astronomical image –


The contest attended by Mexican Joel Sánchez took place every two years for 16 years

The Mexican researcher of the European Southern Observatory (ESO, for its acronym in English), Joel Sánchez Bermúdez won the award for the reconstruction of a more beautiful and accurate astronomical image.

The picture was taken with his team, formed by the Spanish Antxón Alberdi and Rainer Schödel; this prize was awarded at the Congress of the Society of Engineers in Photo-Optical Instrumentation (SPIE).

The interferometric image competition aims to test the software and the methodological capabilities for the reconstruction of interferometric images in the infrared spectrum

The reconstruction of this type of 39 Images are fundamental in modern astronomy to understand the phenomena that occur every day in the universe.

The dynamics of the contest is that the equipment experts and participants from around the world receive a series of data obtained from simulations made by the organizers according to the parameters of the instruments and telescopes.

From there, the teams process the interferometric data and create an image, according to the data are chosen as winners.

The image of the Mexican recreates a central star with a disc of elonga powder. and an asymmetrical brightness, with a planet in formation, this type of young stars is common in the universe and it is thought that the Sun and the solar system had a similar training process.

"This competition serves as a reference to establish the limits and scope of the technology that exists in the field of infrared interferometry," said Joel Sánchez Bermúdez in an interview with the agency. Information from the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt)

  Profiles: Internal notes

In addition to the image, the physical parameters of the observed object must be provided, that is, why experts from the universities of Cambridge, Lyon and Leuven were needed.

The competition is held every two years for 16 years, In previous editions, teams and researchers reconstructed, from interferometric data, images of stars, clusters of stars, records around stars and planets. 9003] Astronomical interferometry is an observational technique that allowed astronomers to observe stars and galaxies with as much detail as possible, and this technique allows for combining two or more telescopes at the same time. time to observe an astronomical object.

Interferometer as the very large telescope interferometer, located in the Atacama Desert in Chile, the level of detail attained equates to seeing a five peso coin on the surface of the moon, "says the searcher.

in which Joel Sánchez Bermúdez is the winner of this competition, for which he has placed himself as one of the world's most renowned reconstruction astronomers for the quality and precision of his work.

The first time was in 2014 and he was still a doctoral student

In this edition of the competition, international specialists had to reconstruct from interferometric data a star in formation with a dust disk and a planet.

The specialist's research line revolves around the badysis of interferometric data for the study of large-particle stars, which are the stars that produce virtually all the ingredients that is made of. universe, so that they acquire special relevance to study all astronomical phenomena.

"The study of this type of star with interferometry is important to understand the evolution of the same thing and its effect on the chemical evolution of galaxies," he said. said.


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