Mexico: AMLO renounces security, official residence and presidential plane | Trade | World | Latin America


The future president of Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( AMLO ), confirmed that he would give up the official security, the residence of Los Pinos and "I maintain that people take care of me and that people take care of me, and whoever fights for justice has nothing to fear," said at a press conference the leader of the Movement. National Regeneration (Brunette) and winner of the presidency last Sunday

In this way, he responded that he would evaluate the use of public security forces for his protection, especially the state- presidential major.

He explained that he would not disappear the Presidential General Staff, a military elite corps, but will be incorporated into the Ministry of Defense "completely" and will no longer be " responsible for keeping the President of the Republic. "

"I will take care of the people of the city and I to take care of you," said AMLO who before and after entering the National Palace was surrounded by a multitude of media and of sympathizers in the street.

The future president of Mexico announced that he will convert the official residence of Los Pinos into "a space for the arts and culture of the people of Mexico", and that it will not he will not live in this space.

In this press conference, about 40 minutes He also explained that he will not use the presidential plane.

"I will not travel on government planes or in helicopters, and when I have to travel I will do it as usual on commercial airliners," he said.

In this way, he badured that his government "will abide by all that is offered during the campaign process."

AMLO ] leader of Morena, won the presidency of Mexico with 53% of the vote in the elections last Sunday, 30 points from the second candidate, Ricardo Anaya of the National Conservative Action Party (PAN). 19659011] On Tuesday, he met at the National Palace with President Enrique Peña Nieto.

According to the Presidency on Twitter, the President received AMLO and expressed the executive's desire to "achieve an orderly and efficient transition for the benefit of Mexicans." [19659011] Source: EFE

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