Mexico collapsed the lie of the "end of the progressive cycle"


The resounding triumph of the candidate of the National Movement for Regeneration (MORENA), Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in the presidential elections in Mexico, renewed the hopes of progressivism and the left of all Latin America. In the decade of 1990, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the right, through its media arms and its "false prophets", sought to impose the idea of ​​"end of the world". 39; history. " The people of Latin America, Hugo Chávez in the lead, were the first to break this lie. Now, after the interruption of some popular processes in the region, the neoliberal right has again attacked with the intention of installing the idea of ​​the "end of the progressive cycle" in Latin America. . With the triumph of López Obrador, the Mexican people, all the continent, said again: "the lie is finished".

Understanding the importance for all of Latin America of the triumph in Mexico of MORENA's candidate, Context Dialogue with Three Specialists. The Mexican philosopher Fernando Buen Abad, the international journalist and badyst Stella Calloni and the geopolitical sociologist Atilio Boron

Borón explained that "the triumph of López Obrador is the confirmation that the famous" end of the progressive cycle "does not exist A progressive candidate is being imposed on the second largest economy in Latin America, in a country that has been following the policies of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for 30 years. More than 50% of the Mexican population is below the poverty line. "

" For the first time, the traditional struggle between the PRI and the PAN (the two traditional parties in Mexico) is broken. Expressions of the center right and the right.In addition, this break of bipartisanship is in the hands of a candidate who will have a beneficial influence on all Latin America. "

Finally, Borón said q "López Obrador is the demonstration, for all Latin America, that the project of the right is far from being consolidated and that, on the contrary, the progressive projects, far from being completed, still have a lot to say. "

For his part, Fernando Buen Abad pointed out that" once again people are able to teach us great lessons. Contrary to what some say about this supposed "end of cycle" and to those who, with some defeatism, only know how to see the advance of the right, people show that they have their way to tell the story and to do it. This is the most remarkable aspect of the electoral experience in Mexico, an experience that lasts a long time and that is not subject to any improvisation. For some, this triumph can be a big surprise, but those who follow what is happening in Mexico know that this triumph is the product of decades of work, it is also the product of a business cycle and the future. 39, a program. All this shows that there is no end of cycle. What Mexico is experiencing today is exciting all the peoples of Latin America. "

" There are many badysts who do not understand that people write their history by the force of struggle, building their own language. This is what happened in Mexico so that the triumph of Lopez Obrador could be realized, "says Buen Abad.

In the same vein, Stella Calloni, said that" the success of López Obrador is a historical fact. In addition to winning the presidency, he won in the deputies and senators and, for the first time, the PRI was in third place. López Obrador is a man of the left, a progressive man, very prepared, a man of state with a lot of experience. It must be remembered that when he was at the office of the mayor of Mexico City as head of the federal district government, he was considered by the European media as the best mayor of the world and that he was leaving the office of the Mayor with a positive image of 85%. "[19659002]" López Obrador crossed Mexico almost without resources, was next to the people. This triumph is the result of an impressive work of a man who in his attitudes is very similar to Evo Morales, "he said.

Finally, Calloni remarked that" the triumph of López Obrador showed that people on the move are able to defeat the media and the psychological warfare imposed by the right. That is why it is a sign of hope and a symbol for all of Latin America. "


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