Mexico goes to the polls in a giant election


There will be simultaneous elections to renew more than 3,400 positions, the most important of which is the presidency for 2018-2024. The magnitude is due to the fact that federal and local elections coincided in 30 of the country's 32 states, including the capital.

What other positions are at stake?

The two houses of Congress will be renewed – 500 deputies and 128 senators – in addition to regional positions. Among them are eight governors (in Chiapas, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Morelos, Puebla, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatan), the head of the government of Mexico City and some 1,600 mayors. 89 million citizens can vote

Who are competing for the Presidency?

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Former mayor of Mexico, a 64-year-old left-wing nationalist politician; the five times minister Jose Antonio Meade 49 years old, by the ruling party (center); the opponent Ricardo Anaya, 39 years, by a center-center-center-left alliance; and the former governor Jaime Rodríguez "ElBronco" 60 years old, as an independent

Who is the favorite?

López Obrador came in second in the presidential elections in 2006 and 2012 and led all polls in the election campaign, with a wide margin. He is confident that this time he will win, but Anaya and Meade hope to take the vote of those who do not sympathize with him, and that part of the electorate has not shown their preferences in polls. In Mexico, there is no second round

Why President Enrique Peña Nieto is not a candidate?

In Mexico, re-election is not allowed. Presidents may serve only one six-year term, and Peña Nieto will conclude its own, which began in 2012, on November 30th. Between the elections and the inauguration of the next president, there will be a five-month transition period.

What questions weigh on the mood of the electorate?

Corruption, impunity and insecurity are some of them. Others are weak economic growth – an annual rate of two percent – and inequality. Last year was the most violent since the archives began twenty years ago with 29,000 murders, many of them because of the violence of the drug cartels.

What is the importance of Mexico as a country? The world economy and the tenth most populous country in the world with its 123 million inhabitants. It shares nearly 3,200 kilometers of border with the United States and has been targeted by President Donald Trump for immigration and trade issues. It is also the second largest economy and the second most populous country in Latin America, after Brazil, and a major political, cultural and tourist actor in the region.

Who does Trump prefer?

Trump, who wants to build a wall on the border of your country with Mexico and end the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA / NAFTA), has not revealed who is your favorite. "I've heard that they have very good candidates and that they have others who may not be as good," he said in March. without saying who was who. All candidates said that they would demand respect from Mexico and its migrants.

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