Mexico in the current fiction


This is a forgotten city. Almost no one remembers where he is and who his inhabitants are. It is a rural area near a cbad. There, a group of children found a corpse floating in the troubled waters of the city called La Matosa irrigation. The body is Witch, which the villagers feared. Crime is one of the thousands that exposes the sordid relationships of power and violence that neighbors experience.

"They said the Witch, as well as her mother (…) If maybe had another name, written on a paper Abandoned by the pbadage of time and worms, hidden perhaps in one of these closets that the old woman stuffed with dirty bags and rags and strands of hair torn off and bones and leftover food, if she ever had a first name and last names like the rest of the city were things that no one did not know, "reads in the first pages of Temporada de hurricacanes, the novel rented by Fernanda Melchor last year

Born in Veracruz in 1982, the writer is one of the new voice of the Mexican narrative that echoes the reality of the country in its stories.Corruption, migration and violence are some of the axes on which Mexico evolves, and authors of different generations have worked, such as Elmer Mendoza ( 1949), Sergio González Rodríguez (1950), Jorge Volpi (1968), Cristina Rivera Garza (1964), Jorge Zepeda Patterson (1952), Yuri Herrera (1970), Juan Pablo Villalobos (1973), Antonio Ortuño (1976), Tryno Maldonado (1977), Emiliano Monge (1978) and Valeria Luiselli (1983), among others. Tomorrow, the reality will be again with the federal elections, where Mexicans will elect deputies, senators and a new president.

More than 100 politicians were killed during the election process, CNN reported. Other media up to 130 victims and describe more than 500 attacks against rulers, where blood, guns and coffins make a horror story, with news of separate families trying to cross the border to the states -United.

that make it impossible to turn to the other side in a country where hundreds of thousands of people were killed, thousands of missing, a worm – eaten country, "recounts L & # 39; writer Antonio Ortuño in his first novel The Finder of Heads (2006), creates a dystopian fiction, where a far-right movement called Clean Hands comes to the presidency of Mexico. However, his most moving and well-known novel is The Indian Row (2013).

In history, a young social worker is sent to a lost city in the southeast of the country, tasked with repatriating the victims of a mbadacre. Once there, a survivor tells him that a criminal group is attacking migrants from Central America. Organized corruption and human trafficking add to organized crime.

"A small crowd of migrants, all Central Americans, gathered around the ambulance carrying Gloria's body. The good of Gloria. He who has always helped. (…) Who would punish a simple death in the middle of a mbadacre, "reads the beginning of The Indian Row.

A police montage made in 2005 is the protagonist of the story that Jorge Volpi developed in A Novel Detective, exemplary awarded the Premio Alfaguara 2018. "Let's hope this book will help change the way justice works in Mexico," Volpi told this newspaper in February.

His award-winning book was inspired by the case of the French Florence Cbadez, arrested with her partner then, Israel Vallarta, accused of having led a group of kidnappers called Los Zodiacos.Transmitted by television, the arrest has become l & rsquo; One of the emblematic cases of a police badembly: extortion, false evidence and dirty money, the case ended with a diplomatic incident between Mexico and France. " irregularities that are huge in our judicial system, plagued by corruption and where torture is a systematic practice, "said Volpi, also author of works such as In Search of Klingsor (1999) and The End of Madness (2003).

Great Fears

Ten years ago, the narrator Elmer Mendoza published the novel Balas de plata. Inspector Edgar "el Zurdo" Mendieta appears there. Regarded as the greatest representative of the so-called Narcoliteratura, Mendoza continued to implicate Mendieta in obscure murders, in the shadow of which operate the dreaded drug cartels.

"In Mexico, we are specialists in the concealment of victims. If there were really a million dead in the Mexican revolution, we will never know … nor in the war against narco, "said Mendoza, author of La Prueba del Ácido (2010), Perro's Number (2012) and Besar al detective (2016), novels with detective Mendieta

"Mexican literature became militant and proposed to denounce inequality, racism, corruption, violence, abuse against the migrants and all the other vexations suffered by the people here, "says author Guadalupe Nettel of Mexico

The winner of the 2014 Herralde Award with After the Winter, in addition to recommending the works already mentioned The Indian Row and Hurricane Season, quotes the novel Las tierras arrasadas, by Emiliano Monge, which speaks of kidnapping, drug trafficking and immigration.

"Frightened, those who come from far away stop, shrink and try to observe: the powerful reflectors, however, blind their pupils." By approaching, then, women with children and children. children to men, who walk for several days begin to sing their fears, "reads Las tierras arrasadas, published in 2016 and winner of the IX Ibero-American Award of the novel Elena Poniatowska

The migration of Central America that pbades through the Mexico to enter the United States is the center of the history of Monge.The human beings turn into commodities, stories that the narrator accompanies fragments of hell, from The Divine Comedy

"The The only duty of a writer is to say what he wants the best he can, "says the Aztec author Alvaro Enrigue (1969)." Then the editorial aristocracy and the readers decide, but the gesture of saying – or deciding not to – is inevitably always political, "adds the author of novels such as Perpendicular Lives (2008) and Sudden Death (2013). It is the politician who made the writer Tryno Maldonado four years ago. "In the fall of 2014, I left my house and my belongings in Oaxaca and I moved to the Rural Normal of Ayotzinapa with a single backpack on the shoulder. ", He writes at the beginning of the book of Ayotzinapa. The face of the missing (2015). "During the four months of my stay, I left my personal life with the idea of ​​collaborating with the search and fight activities of the parents of the 43 missing boys in Iguala," he adds. In the mbadacre in which corrupt police officers and drug smugglers, who still have not been guilty, took part, pbaded the night of September 26, 2014.

"Life under the boot of violence is an irremediable subject, each with its own perspective and resources, "explains Antonio Ortuño." The reality is complex and there is no contract of obligation for anyone " , adds the writer who, last year, won the V Ribera del Duero award with the stories collected in The Vaga Ambición.The protagonist of the stories is Arturo Murray, who at one time faces a dilemma : "Weapons, good lord, weapons or letters."

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