Mexico is preparing for a historic presidential election this Sunday – International

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With the promise of a "radical change" the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador seeks to make history in Mexico with a "brutal" victory "It will be a historic event, the victory of an entire people will be consumed in the face of immorality and decadence of recent times," said López Obrador. triumphalist in his last act of campaign in front of tens of thousands of people this week.

In his third consecutive attempt to reach the presidential presidency, AMLO, as he is known among Mexicans, is billed as the anti-system candidate and is the favorite in the polls, with more than 20 points in the polls. Ahead of his opponents of the traditional parties: Ricardo Anaya, led by a coalition of right and left (formed by PAN, PRD and Movimiento Ciudadano) and José Antonio Mead e, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which appears third.

"We already had the PRI and the PAN and it was a disaster, now it's time for change, it's the moment of Morena", the coalition led by López Obrador, says Carlos Miguel Salinas, a 26 year old physical education instructor

The hour left?

López Obrador, 64, capitalized on this boredom in the second largest Latin American economy, after a six-year term. Government of Enrique Peña Nieto, marked by corruption and denunciation of human rights violations.

If the forecasts are met, these elections mark a turning point in the Mexican political map.

at this turn with a tremor, others consider it a structural turning point in Mexican politics. The truth is that the system of established parties has been shaken by the advance of Morena, "said Duncan Wood, director of the Mexico Institute at Woodrow Wilson Center.

The elections were overshadowed by the "most bloody" election campaign in Mexico's recent history, with at least 136 politicians murdered since September (28 of them were pre-candidates and 20 other candidates), when the electoral process has started, according to Etellekt consultancy.

A significantly higher number than the one recorded in 2012, when nine politicians and one candidate were killed, he adds.

The violence is such that many Mexicans are even afraid to go out and vote: "We do not know if we should leave our home or not. we left, but we do not know if we will come back, "said Margarita Rodarte, a woman residing in Ciudad Juarez, one of the most violent in Mexico

" A government without frills nor privileges "[19659007] He fights violence and corruption, which he badociates with "the mafia of power," is precisely the priority in the tsunami of reforms that AMLO envisions in a "radical change."

In his The 2018 -2024 nation project also aims to save the countryside, revise the contracts of millionaires from energy reform, an "austere government without luxury or privilege" and cut the salaries of senior officials by up to 50%. Everything to increase social programs and reduce poverty

The problem is that many Mexicans and badysts criticize the lack of concrete proposals, under a "populist" rhetoric that could lead the country on the m my way to the economic crisis in Venezuela

One of the biggest issues is his relationship with President Donald Trump and, above all, how two such antagonistic models will work on both sides of the Rio Grande, on issues vital as migration and negotiations for a free trade agreement. 19659004] "He's focused on any solution around his personality and his personal ability to solve problems," said Fernando Dworak, political badyst, "What's coming, it's a mystery."

very different from others, like Trump or Chavez, (…) through polarization, and also, unfortunately, López Obrador could exercise his power through this type of speech, "he added.

But for others, there is nothing to fear.

"There are those who support the badumption that the financial markets can react badly, it's absurd, it's a political campaign to generate fear," says owner Roy Campos from the polling firm Mitofskyk.

"We believe that despite alarming headlines, the Mexican economy will behave rather well in the first year of the AMLO presidency," says a report by Capital Economics.

Several experts argue that the "Peje" as it is also called has entered the path of moderation and that everything will depend on what happens in Congress and its ability to build alliances in a polarized country .

President, about 89 million Mexicans are called to vote governors, mayors, senators and local and federal deputies among the more than 18,000 positions in dispute, the first time as many are elected in a single process.

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