Mexico Loses $ 63 Million for Electronic Fraud in 3 Months


The National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) reveals how much this crime has increased so far in 2018.

Electronic fraud has apparently become a popular activity Mexico First, the National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) warned that the Russians could be behind everything, and now they revealed how much money had been lost.

Mario Di Costanzo president of Condusef, in an interview for Milenio; only during the first quarter of 2018 were stolen on MXN $ 1,200 million (USD 63.61 million) for activities related to electronic fraud:

  Mexico: Telcel will no longer tell you your balance by SMS "title =" Mexico: Telcel will no longer tell you your balance via SMS "src =" "/>

<p>  This evolution or increase in fraud in e-commerce suggests that it is urgent that e-commerce platforms have additional authentication mechanisms for their users. </p>
<p> [Los comercios]  they require to retain debit card information, but there are no guidelines that require traders to protect databases of information stored from buyers, which facilitates the <i> hacking, theft of identity. 19659007] Di Constanzo points out that from the stolen millionaire <strong> 67% </strong> frauds were made by electronic purchases with credit cards; and <strong> 33% </strong> with flow plastics. Accumulate just over a million complaints in the country's banks. </p>
<p>  This type of theft has increased significantly compared to the same period last year. A <strong> 84% more </strong> to be precise. </p>
<p>  Therefore, the manager advocates the implementation of functional and precise regulations. Prevent these crimes. </p>
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