Mexico voted against the construction of a millionaire airport


Mexicans want the government of the elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to abandon his plan to build a new international airport for the country's capital, worth $ 13 billion dollars and instead, choose a cheaper alternative that requires improvement and expansion of existing facilities. The peso sank in the trading session in Asia.

During a four-day "national" consultation that ended on Sunday, [1945-007] nearly 70% of the 1.07 million participants voted against the completion of the program. one of the largest infrastructure projects in the country . Organized and financed by Morena de López Obrador party, the consultation made it possible to count the results of polling centers located in more than 500 cities. The door-to-door ballot projects, which were to take place in the last days of the consultation, were abandoned before the vote began.

Located in the city of Texcoco, northeast of the city. Capital of Mexico the new airport was to replace the international Benito Juárez, which recorded the highest volume of pbadenger traffic in Latin America last year. López Obrador gave contradictory signals as to his intentions during the election campaign, after promising to cancel the project that has already cost billions of dollars and whose work has been completed to more than a third.

López Obrador, who founded his campaign on the introduction of anti-corruption reforms for the July 1 election, indicated that the project was plagued by corruption and resulted in a loss of 39, taxpayers' money. After his victory, the president-elect this week proposed a public consultation, which, according to some badysts, would allow him to keep the options available to him, both entrepreneurs and voters.

According to badysts BBVA Bancomer, cancellation fees. could reach 10,500 million US dollars . The abandonment of the project could accelerate the payment of principal and interest on the bonds for 6,000 million US dollars that the group in charge of construction issued to finance the works. Although the decision should not in itself imply a downgrade of Mexico's rating, this could increase uncertainty about the strength of the rule of law for doing business in Mexico, said BBVA.

López Obrador pledged to respect the result of the consultation which is not binding and is technically not a referendum, the National Electoral Institute n & # 39; 39, having not participated. The logistics of the consultation was developed and coordinated by the Arturo Rosenblueth Foundation, a non-profit organization. The volunteers supervised 1,073 polling stations in 538 municipalities across the country.

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