Microsoft resurrects the legendary IntelliMouse mouse


The Microsoft video gaming mouse, IntelliMouse, came back, not in the form of chips.

Microsoft is sometimes a strange business. On the one hand, it is dedicated to the indiscriminate destruction of its old operating systems. At the same time he resurrects one of his greatest and oldest glories: the IntelliMouse.

Originally born in 19459007 with the scroll wheel before almost everyone. The IntelliMouse for years was an iconic element for the company. It has become an economic and functional ally for some PC video games. But after a while Micrososft decided to kill him.

  Microsoft is resuscitating the legendary IntelliMouse mouse "title =" Microsoft is resuscitating the legendary IntelliMouse mouse "src =" 2137c00a4c729e5fb57a5c7cdc572755.jpg "/>

<p> For years, we had no news of this line of mice. Until eight months ago; when the company revealed that she would resurrect it, with a new version inspired by the <strong> IntelliMouse 3.0 of 2003. </strong> </p>
<p>  Through a publication in her official blog, the company showed the new design of his mouse with some of his novelties; built to update this clbadic </p>
<h3>  Retro of the future </h3>
<p>  With a price of <strong> USD $ 40, </strong> the new IntelliMouse replaces the clbadic red light of its base with white light. It has <strong> five buttons </strong> of which three are programmable </p>
<p>  Identical to <strong> with a BlueTrack sensor </strong>; which records movements up to 1000 times per second; with a ppp of up to 3,200. </p>
<p>  But the most striking point is perhaps the fact that it is a wired mouse. Like the good old times. For <strong> reduce latency </strong> when performing a game in a video game. </p>
<p>  In fact the IntelliMouse is so retro that <strong> is not compatible with MacOS. </strong> A detail that will delight fans of the PC Gaming Master Race. </p>
<p>  Did this new clbadic convince them? </p>
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