Midwives and matrons protested in front of La Moneda for Controller's failure | National


The College of Midwives and Midwives did its national strike warning on Thursday, protesting at the La Moneda front, as a way of warning of the situation caused by the recent failure of the Office of the Controller, wants to cancel the appeal Administrative Standard Nº 21.

This one, regulates the function of the matronage in units of Gynecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology in public health centers.

"We can face an impending public health problem, because what the Office of the Comptroller wants, by administrative means, is to erase the progress made in more than 180 years of work. history of badual and reproductive health development in the country, which allowed us to have indicators they placed Chile as an international reference in these issues, " Anita Román president national union.

The representative of midwives and matrons added that "we have already met the Minister (Emilio) Santelices on Monday and we have submitted an official letter to President (Sebastián) Piñera and we hope to advance in this we are recognized as specialists in gynecology, obstetrics and neonatology, as established in Rule 21. "

" In short, we want to know if the Office of the Controller will finally become a fourth power of the 39 who decides on public health policies, with a legal criterion and not thinking from the point of view of health, "he concluded.

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