Migrant Caravan, Electoral Weapon of the Trump Campaign


Washington, USA

"There are many scary people in these caravans, these are not angels," said Donald Trump in one of his most severe attacks against migrants from Central America traveling to the United States. who became a campaign instrument for the tycoon.

In the last two weeks, before the crucial legislative elections where Republicans fear losing control of Congress, Trump has managed to put immigration at the center of the debate. politician in USA .

The president said that among the immigrants who cross Mexico, there are criminals, gang members and even terrorists from the Middle East, a strategy that uses fear, a great motivating factor. [19659003] He also found a culprit in "the invasion of immigrants" in the United States, the Democrats, who did not authorize to approve the budget that the president had asked to build. border wall. "The Democratic Party encourages millions of illegal immigrants to break our laws, to violate our borders and to overwhelm our country," the tycoon of each presentation reiterated.

READ: The Caravan of Migrants is divided: They go to different cities of Mexico

Arrests take place by gunfire

More than 400,000 migrants were arrested in the States United States in 2018, according to the Department of Homeland Security.


This speech corresponds to the calculations of The White House which, after examining polls in the most competitive districts, concluded that immigration and border security were the means by which more effective in mobilizing voters.

"On an" invasion "of immigrants is a useful tool to blame Democrats and portray Republicans as the protectors of Americans (especially whites), said the presidential policy expert of the United States. University of Albany Bruce Miroff

Aware of this, Trump ordered the deployment of more than 15,000 soldiers to the southern border to prevent the pbadage of migrants, threatened with send those who manage to settle in "tent cities" and announced that it would eliminate citizenship at birth for migrant children.

This is very unfair to our citizens, it will end in one way or another, "warned the mogul.

In addition, he intensified his attacks on migrants by questioning the reasons they left their country, noting that the authorities The Mexicans had offered them "asylum and work" and had rejected it. "Even Mexico said they were tough people, they do not want them in their country," he said.

He also pointed out that the military on the border could open fire if they were attacked by migrants after violent clashes with police in Mexico and Guatemala .

"If someone throws stones, he can be killed, I will use all the resources at my disposal to put an end to this crisis (…) We have to finish the work we started, we must be tough, "he warned.

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