Migrants arrive at Istmo de Tehuantepec, give them water and food


  Migrants arrive at the Tehuantepec Isthmus, give them water and food

Migrants arrive at the Tehuantepec Isthmus, give them water and food

OAXACA, Oaxaca

A first group of immigrants from Central America arrived at San Pedro Tapanatepec, in the region Isthmus of Tehuantepec, around 11 am in the morning when inhabitants and members of the churches were waiting for them to offer them water and food .

The migrants were welcomed on the shoreline of the federal highway linking the states Oaxaca to Chiapas where they were invited to form a line to receive hot food.

Paramedics of the Mexican Red Cross set up modules for the contingent's clinical attention after arriving from Arriaga (Chiapas), where they left after three hours of morning . The Oaxaca Family Integral Development System (DIF) also participates in support tasks.

Arturo Peimbert Calvo, President of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the People of Oaxaca (DDHPO), commented that the Federal Police and the Gendarmerie organized a siege [19659008] on the bridge of Las Arenas around 4:10 am to try to convince migrants to stay in Chiapas.

In an interview, the mediator informed Excelior that together with the head of the State Commission on Human Rights of Chiapas and the fifth visitor of the National Commission human rights, had made initial contact with the federal police to try to dialogue around the pbadage of the caravan.

Later, he says, after three hours of obstruction, police officers withdrew to allow the contingent of more than seven thousand people to follow suit,

The defense attorney urged the adoption of precautionary measures and called on the authorities of the State of Oaxaca to respect and protect the human rights of the members of this caravan, that he described as a diaspora of the Central American people.

He stated that the organizers had an interest in going to the city of Oaxaca, because it is less dangerous than the Veracruz road.

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