Mike Pompeo goes to North Korea for the third time


Washington, DC (Notimex) .- United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will visit North Korea today to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. continue talks between the two countries, in search of an agreement the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, said the White House.

The meeting will be recorded between reports that Pyongyang has continued work related to its nuclear and ballistic program, which according to the United States should be eliminated by North Korea

At a press conference Presidential spokeswoman Sarah Sanders refused to confirm or deny media reports because they implied intelligence, but said: "What I can tell you is that we continue to make progress. "

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, backed by satellite imagery, North Korea has expanded an organization dedicated to building ballistic missiles running on solid fuel.

Sanders cited the lack of new nuclear tests and missiles from North Korea as evidence of progress since Trump's meeting with Kim last June.
The spokeswoman also announced that the US ambbadador to the Philippines, Sung Kim, met Sunday with members of a North Korean delegation

. The visit of Pompeo will be the third of the North Korean capital since the surprise. Travel that he made last April, which paved the way for the Singapore Presidential Summit, without formal agreements exist so far to determine the scope of a possible agreement.

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