Mike Pompeo will visit North Korea from July 5th to 7th


Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, will visit North Korea from July 5-7 to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un of the denuclearization process on the Korean peninsula. Monday, the US Government

At its daily press conference, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that the US diplomat would travel to Pyongyang on July 5 to "continue the ongoing efforts. Subsequently, in a statement, the State Department said that Pompeo will be in Pyongyang between July 5 and 7 to "continue their consultations and implement the progress." President Donald Trump and Kim have reached their summit on June 12 in Singapore

The declaration signed in Singapore opens the door to the denuclearization of the North Korean regime in exchange for Washington However, it does not guarantee its survival, but it does not specify specific mechanisms or deadlines to achieve these objectives.

Pompeo's third visit to Pyongyang could be used to define some of the conditions of future agreements or even to set deadlines for dismantling The Pompeo trip will come amid rumors of the possibility of a second summit between Trump and Kim in September in New York.

The Axios Information Portal, which he quoted as a source Trump wants North Korea to take meaningful steps in the denuclearization process and is studying the possibility of raising this second summit as a reward for his efforts.

When asked about this, the White House spokeswoman said: this Monday that, for the moment, they have "nothing" to announce.

After North Korea, Pompeo plans to visit Tok From July 7 to 8 to talk with Japanese and South Korean leaders about "the common commitment" to "final" denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, detailed in its note from the State Department.

On July 8 and 9, Hanoi (Vietnam) will then travel to Abu Dhabi, where he will travel from July 9 to 10 and complete his trip to Brussels.

In Brussels, he will accompany President Trump to the next summit of the leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) nations, which will be held from 11 to 12 July.

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