Mineduc gives 10 days to the U. del Pacífico to present its plan of action in case of financial crisis | National


After the financial problems posed by the Universidad del Pacífico were made public and could lead to its closure, the Ministry of Education (Mineduc) gave a two-week deadline to school authorities to present a plan

The Mineduc indicated that the institution should guarantee the end of this academic year and give badurances on the continuation of the work of its organization in 2019 whatever the consequences from the department's investigation. 19659003] Nearly 40 students from the Universidad del Pacífico presented themselves in front of the Ministry of National Education to protest the situation that affects the private campus and keeps it on the verge of closing down, after the problems The financial institutions dragged on and motivated the Government to open a preliminary investigation.

Felipe Cornejo | RBB

In fact, the head of the Division of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas, through an office approved by Radio Bío Bío, tells the campus authorities that the agreements concluded in the directory in the face of the economic situation, "are not satisfactory or sufficient to give a certainty to the university community, as to the situation afflicting the house of studies" .

It is for this reason that the Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, has stated that expects that the plan of action be implemented by the government. University of the Pacific, to meet the approximately 2,300 students on campus.

https://media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/ 2018/11/26-cu-pacifico-cubillos.mp3

In the same vein, the head of the Division of higher education has taken the floor to give a period of 10 working days to the authorities of private schools to prescribe enter your road map where guarantees the end of this school year and how it is will continue in 2019, where the alternative of a closure is highly attainable .

https: //media.biobiochile.cl/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/26-cu-pacifico-vargas.mp3

The document from the Ministry of Education states that if you opt for a scheduled shutdown, you will be unregistered. former students, the institution must accompany the respective plans for this purpose, which must have funding.

For tomorrow, meanwhile, the Education Committee of the Chamber of Deputies quoted Minister Cubillos, to explain the situation affecting the campus and what measures adopted by the Mineduc to anticipate the facts, baderted the president of the Party for Democracy, Cristina Girardi.

https: //media.biobiochile .cl / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11/26-cu-pacifico-girardi.mp3

Regardless of what the directory of the Universidad del Pacífico provides , the Ministry of Education maintains an open campus survey, which will determine whether he has financial support to continue operating.

Consult the following duly completed letter:

Official letter from the Department of Education at the BioBioChile University of the Pacific about Scribd


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