Minister of Labor and minimum wage of $ 420,000: "I would like it to be like that, but it's not viable"


Labor Minister Nicolás Monckeberg referred to the debate on the minimum wage adjustment on Sunday, saying that although he would like to reach figures such as the one proposed by CUT President Barbara Figueroa of $ 420,000, "In an interview with TVN's National State Program, Monckeberg said this discussion should be" more technical and accountable "because" the most important thing is that the minimum wage we set encourages the company. " But the real challenge is that every day fewer Chileans earn that salary, rather than raising the minimum. "

Asked about the proposal of the head of the CUT, the minister explained that" what Bárabra Figueroa says, is that it is the line of poverty and the establishment of A minimum wage in that we would all be above the poverty line. I would like it to be so, as it would mean that with four years of salary, poverty would end up in Chile, but we all know that it is not viable. "

" This would mean a nominal readjustment of nearly 20% first year, 15% the second and 12% the third. Trust me that no one can be against that, but it's absolutely unachievable, it's never been done, "he said.

With that, he recalled that" if we see the readjustments of the year 90 so far it does not exceed even the two figures, the highest historical that have caused a lot of problems, everyone has accepted the year 99 (…) with all the problem of unemployment that caused ", in the midst of the Asian crisis

." With that I do not want to be party, I want to make an appeal, we all want the minimum wage to be much higher, but as you can not fix it any way you want, you have to do it responsibly, I think it's very "The most important thing is that it's a minimum wage that allows for growth, which is n & rt; It does not affect employment and gives us a perspective that when the country is doing well, the worker is always okay, "he concluded. t 650,000 people would receive the minimum wage.

/ gap

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