Minister of Labor at CUT: "I would like a $ 420,000 minimum wage, but it is not viable" | Economy


"I would like a minimum wage of $ 420,000, but this is not viable" . This is how the Minister of Labor, Nicolás Monckeberg, responded to the request of the Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT).

In the National State Program, the Secretary of State asked that "the negotiation be responsible". ] " This is not a 'bad', because the state is not the one who pays the minimum wage" he says, arguing that "when you set an amount that companies can not pay, The discussion must be much more technical and responsible ."

On the basis of this, Monckeberg said that "the real challenge is that the least Chileans continue to earn the minimum wage. "

Therefore, he remarked that" the most important is that it is a minimum wage that allows us to grow this n & # 39; "It does not affect employment and it puts us in perspective the country is doing well, the worker is getting better."

According to statistics, Monckeberg explained that "about 650 thousand people in Chile earn the minimum wage. In Chile, there is 30% informal work, and 40% of young people. "

In this scenario, the portfolio manager stated that " we have made much progress over the last four years in public employment, and very little in private employment one who activates the economy. We must create more private and quality jobs. "

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