Minister Plá denies the phrase "of the Colombian" who had it throughout the controversy


The Minister of Women's Affairs and Gender Equality, Isabel Plá had to go out and explain herself after the weekend had been the subject of Critics as a result of a comment she had launched during a meeting. Colombian journalist.

It all comes from the dialogue that began between the Secretary of State and the journalist of the Magellanic Chain ITV Patagonia, Paola Patiño in a press briefing on the "No lo" campaign. let's go ", which was recorded in an audio file, according to Emol.

Patiño: Minister, the question of the budget is fundamental. It has fallen by less than 5% for this government and for the prevention of the countryside, which is exactly what we are seeing … ", asked the journalist showing a Colombian accent.

Plá: No, sorry …

Patiño: There is no money, according to people who work in prevention campaigns directly with the center for women. Tell us: will you go down? Will it increase?

Plá: I explain, I believe you are not informed.We have added a Billion additional pesos to all programs related to violence and more specifically, and in this regard, to the topics related to the campaign.Go to tell your sources that they are wrong and that it is safe to is good government that gives more money than before for this type of activities.

Patiño: The anquillity for campaigns?

Plá: Thank you very much

Two people who were in the place said they heard the minister comment, after this dialogue, that "this Colombian does not take anything". which unlike the previous one was neither recorded nor audio nor video.

This is why Plá used his Twitter account to deny what had happened: "Enough of this lie. I categorically reject the version of an alleged attack on a Colombian journalist. [19459005Myattitudehasalwaysbeenandwillalwaysberespectfultothehumanbeingtruthandjournalismwhodoesitsjob"

Enough of this lie. I categorically reject the version of an alleged attack against a Colombian journalist. My attitude has always been and will always be respectful to the human being, the truth and the journalism that does its job.

– Isabel Pla (@isabelpla) On November 25, 2018

Patiño, for his part, he badured that he had not heard said sentence, but he felt a treatment scorning on the part of Plá. "I did not hear it, it's true, but I have lived, along with all the other colleagues, the arrogance and rudeness of getting me started questions, making sure that I was misinformed and sending a message to my source that was cheating on me, "the reporter said.

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